Scottish Dogmatics Conference 2026

June 10–12, 2026, St. Mary’s College at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland

Conference theme: "The God Who Speaks"

Plenary speakers: Ellen Davis, David Fergusson, Janet Soskice, Andrew Torrance, and Kevin Vanhoozer 

Get notified when plenary session topics are announced, when the call for papers opens, when registration opens, and when travel and accommodation information becomes available.

Conference Organizers

Oliver D. Crisp (PhD, University of London; DLitt University of Aberdeen) is Principal of St. Mary's College and Head of the School of Divinity, University of St. Andrews, Scotland, where he is also Professor of Analytic Theology. He is the author of numerous books in analytic and systematic theology, including Participation and Atonement, Approaching the Atonement, Analyzing Doctrine, Deviant Calvinism, Divinity and Humanity, God Incarnate, Retrieving Doctrine, and Revisioning Christology. He also co-founded the Los Angeles Theology Conference.

Paul T. Nimmo (PhD, University of Edinburgh) is Professor and King’s Chair of Systematic Theology at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, and the co-director of the Aberdeen Centre for Protestant Theology. He is the author of Being in Action: The Theological Shape of Barth’s Ethical Vision and Barth: A Guide for the Perplexed as well as the co-editor of Kenosis: The Self-Emptying of Christ in Scripture and Theology, The Oxford Handbook of Karl Barth, and The Cambridge Companion to Reformed Theology. He is also the senior editor of the International Journal of Systematic Theology.

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Available for Pre-Order on May 28, 2025

The God Who Is for Us

Explorations in Constructive Dogmatics
Zondervan (Author) , Oliver D. Crisp (Editor) , Paul T. Nimmo (Editor)
Based on the inaugural Scottish Dogmatics Conference, this volume explores the Christian belief that God is not merely the transcendent creator of the world, bu...
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