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Systematic Theology, Second Edition
Praise for the second edition:
“After a quarter century of remarkable usefulness globally . . . it remains remarkable. I thank God for this precious gift to Christ's people worldwide.”—John Piper
“Stands out for its clarity and accessibility.”—Thomas R. Schreiner
“One of those rare works that can challenge the scholar and instruct the beginner . . . It is simply indispensable.”—Jack Deere
With several hundred pages of new content and revisions that took several years, this new edition now includes the following distinctive features, making it even better:
- Updated, fuller analysis of several recent controversies within evangelicalism, including the eternal relationship between the Father and the Son in the Trinity, the question of God’s atemporal eternity, the role of women in the church, “seeker-sensitive” churches, miraculous gifts of the Holy Spirit, and contemporary worship music.
- New, thoughtful critiques of open theism, the “new perspective on Paul,” Molinism (or “middle knowledge”), “Free Grace” theology, and the preterist view of Christ’s second coming
- Completely revised, stronger chapter on the clarity of Scripture
- Completely revised, stronger chapter on creation and evolution, including a longer critique of theistic evolution and an extensive discussion on the age of the earth
- New discussion of how biblical inerrancy applies to some specific “problem verses” in the Gospels
- Additional material respectfully explaining evangelical Protestant differences with Roman Catholicism (with extensive interaction with the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church), Protestant liberalism, and Mormonism
- Completely updated bibliographies
- All Scripture quotations updated from RSV to ESV
- An explanation of why monogenēs in John 3:16 and elsewhere should be translated as “only begotten” rather than merely “only” (this is a change from the first edition)
- A contemporary worship song added at the end of each chapter (while retaining the traditional hymns as well)
- New discussion on the impassibility of God
- An extensive discussion on the eternal submission of the Son to the Father, taking into account controversies in recent years
- Updated section on contemporary worship music
- A discussion of recent criticisms of the penal substitutionary view of the atonement
- Numerous other updates and corrections that have be prompted by letters and emails from people around the world and by interaction with the students Wayne has taught over the last 26 years both at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and at Phoenix Seminary
Part of the brilliance of Systematic Theology over the years has been its simplicity and ease of use. Each chapter follows the same structure. First, there is discussion of the doctrine being considered, such as justification or the Trinity or the deity of Christ. An explanation of that doctrine’s biblical support and possible objections follow. Personal application and key terms to know for personal growth are then provided. Chapters also include a Scripture memory passage, references to other literature on the topic, and suggested hymns and worship songs.
If you are someone who thinks theology is hard to understand or boring, then this new edition of Systematic Theology will likely change your mind.
About the Author

Wayne Grudem
Wayne Grudem is research professor of Theology and Biblical Studies at Phoenix Seminary in Phoenix, Arizona. He holds degrees from Harvard (AB), Westminster Theological Seminary (MDiv, DD), and Cambridge (PhD). He is the author of more than a dozen books.
Table of Contents
Preface to the Second Edition
Introduction to Systematic Theology
Part 1: The Doctrine of the Word of God (7 chapters)
Part 2: The Doctrine of God (12 chapters)
Part 3: The Doctrine of Humanity (5 chapters)
Part 4: The Doctrines of Christ and the Holy Spirit (5 chapters)
Part 5: The Doctrine of the Application of Redemption (13 chapters)
Part 6: The Doctrine of the Church (10 chapters)
Part 7: The Doctrine of the Future (4 chapters)
Appendix 1: Historic Confessions of Faith
Appendix 2: Annotated Bibliography of Evangelical Systematic Theologies
Appendix 3: Master List of Systematic Theologies Indexed at the End of Each Chapter
Hymn and Contemporary Worship Song Index
Scripture Index
Subject Index
Author Index
“After a quarter-century of remarkable usefulness globally, Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology, in its second edition, remains remarkable for its extraordinary juxtapositions. It is penetrating but not confusing; forthright and unequivocal but not reckless or overstated; readable and clear but not superficial; biblically grounded, even biblically saturated, but not textually careless or glib; devout and reverent but not uncritical or naïve; practical but not trendy or sentimental; comprehensive but not majoring on minors; a book for the church but not parochial or sectarian. I thank God for this precious gift to Christ's people worldwide.”
— John Piper
Founder and Teacher, Desiring God
Chancellor, Bethlehem College and Seminary
“I can neither quantify nor qualify all the ways in which Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology has assisted me over the past 25 years. I’ve turned to it innumerable times and for innumerable reasons and it has invariably proven a trusted and steady guide. It was there when I was first exploring Christian doctrine and there when I was ready to dive deeper. I can truly say that few books have been more meaningful or had more influence. With the arrival of this long-awaited second edition, it is fitting that the book that has so guided me and my generation can be refreshed in such a way that it can equally impact my children and theirs. I have every confidence that it will.”
— Tim Challies
Author of Epic: An Around-The-World Journey Through Christian History
“Wayne Grudem studied with me in the early 1970s, and both of us have endorsed one another’s Systematic Theologies. That is perhaps unusual. Our two books look at theology from somewhat different ‘perspectives,’ as I like to say, and so they appeal to somewhat different readers. But Wayne’s book has sold a lot more copies, and deservedly so. I couldn’t be happier. I could wish that all Christian writers could be as thankful for God’s ministry through friendly ‘rivals,’ authors who bless the church through biblical, clear, and winsome teaching. Scripture is so rich that we need to look at it from many angles. We need more systematic theologies, not fewer. But for now, Wayne’s work is the best.”
— John Frame
Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy Emeritus
Reformed Theological Seminary
“Wayne Grudem's second edition of his Systematic Theology displays all the virtues of the first. He shows and explains how the doctrines discussed stem from the biblical text. Even if readers disagree here or there, they understand why Grudem argues as he does since he makes his case from the Scriptures. The book stands out for its clarity and accessibility. Academics, immersed in technical study for years, are prone to forget that most people have never read a systematic theology before. The lucidity and simplicity of Grudem makes his work an ideal textbook. This is not to say that scholars cannot profit from his work as well since he lays out arguments cogently. The pastoral tone of the work shines through as well. The hymns and songs concluding the chapters remind us that theology isn't a matter of abstract teaching but should lead us to praise and worship of the Lord.”
— Thomas R. Schreiner
James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Professor Of Biblical Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary