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New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis Set

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A standard and widely-used reference work for nearly 40 years, the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis has been thoroughly revised and updated to aid today’s pastors, students, scholars, and teachers in their study of the New Testament.

Offering a wealth of background and information on the meaning of Greek words in the New Testament—as well as related usage in classical Greek sources, the Septuagint, Jewish literature, and more—this important tool offers the following features: 

  • Alphabetical arrangement according to Greek words instead of previous order according to English topics; this ensures that individual Greek words are not discussed in isolation from one another and are easy to access
  • Expanded to include additional Greek words and concepts not covered in the original work, NIDNTTE includes nearly 800 entries covering over 3,000 Greek words
  • Discussions have been revised to be in line with modern scholarship and bibliographies are updated
  • Corrections have been made to inconsistencies and omissions in earlier versions
  • Updated and added consistency to include—for every entry—all necessary background information from classical Greek, the LXX, and Jewish literature.
  • A helpful semantic domain index now directs the reader to all of the Greek words that have something to do with a particular English word. For example, under the English word “Anger, Wrath,” there is a list of thirteen Greek words that are related to that topic.
  • Significant changes have been made in the presentation and discussion of linguistic details
  • and much more!



One of the most important reference tools for the study of the New Testament over the past forty years has received a major update and reconfiguration, making NIDNTTE an indispensable tool for the next generation. Moisés Silva’s knowledge of lexical semantics, Greek exegesis, and New Testament theology makes him the right scholar for this task and his work will be appreciated and admired for decades to come. -- Constantine Campbell, Associate Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School

A quite useful tool from the past has been taken to a new whole new level. sometimes a 2.0 has the feel of a sequel with little new substance. The old resource works well enough. that is certainly not the case here. It has long been time for an up-to-date lexical tool and NIDNTTE is it. -- Darrell L. Bock, Executive Director of cultural Engagement, Howard G. Hendricks Center for Christian Leadership and C

Befitting from electronic tools not available to the previous edition, as well as the most recent scholarship, the discussion of each NT word entry is consistently presented with its wider usage in classical Greek, the LXX, and other Jewish literature. This revised edition is an essential resource that will be used with confidence for many decades to come. -- Karen H. Jobes, Gerald F. Hawthorne Professor of New Testament Greek, Wheaton College and Graduate School

This thorough revision and updating (now including Exegesis in the title) is most welcome. . . . The entries are more linguistically sensitive and consistent than in the previous iteration. A tool that no expositor of the New Testament can be without. -- Daniel B. Wallace, Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary

This magisterial dictionary took word study to a new level when it countered the titanic work of Kittel's famous dictionary in Germany by focusing more on concepts than just words. Then Colin Brown shepherded that German study through translation and editorial improvements and it has become a fixture in my own study of New Testament words. This new editorial update improves the previous edition and takes all of its readers to an improved place. -- Scot McKnight, Professor of New Testament, Northern Seminary

As might be expected, the new edition brings extensive re-writing, updated bibliographies, articles that reflect contemporary discussion, and correction of earlier errors and inconsistencies, but in addition it brings changes that make it richer and more user-friendly to those interested in detailed exegesis. Not all 'standard reference works' deserve to be standards; this one does. -- D. A. Carson, Research Professor of the New Testament

For years I’ve used Louw-Nida, Kittel, and BDAG for my exegetical work, but this New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis brings the tools that pastors need all together in one set! What the brilliant Moisés Silva and team have put together is a exegetical tour-de force. It will be my go-to workhorse for years to come. I can’t imagine the amount of time I’m going to save now that these resources are all in one place! -- Dr. Rick Warren, Saddleback Church

Improvements include many corrections and expansions, plus reorganization and a veritable host of linguistic refinements, along with the upgrading of biblical theological discussions and the updating of bibliographies. No serious biblical scholar, seminarian, or expository preacher/teacher should fail to purchase this rich and varied resource and use it regularly -- Robert H. Gundry, Scholar-in-residence and professor emeritus of New Testament and Greek, Westmont College

  • Product Details
  • Page Count: 3,552
  • Format: Hardcover Set
  • ISBN: 9780310276197
  • Release: November 11, 2014