What Does It Mean to Be a Pastor-Theologian?
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There probably isn't a vocation in the world that suffers from as great a crisis of calling than the pastor. Gerald Hiestand and Todd Wilson want to change this by raising up an ancient vision of the pastor in their new book The Pastor Theologian.
What does it mean to be a pastor-theologian?
It is someone who finds their vocational identity in the Church. That's there primary place of calling, not the academy. Yet at the same time it's a person who feels a deep, profound responsibility to not be merely a purveyor of theology, but a contributor to theology.
Through specific examples of pastor-theologians, an expansive definition of the calling, and a vision of its life, Wilson hopes their book will provide clarity and encouragement to pastors and students to live into the calling of being a theologian in their church.
Watch Wilson share how their book could breath new life into your calling.
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