Bruce Waltke on the reign of Humanity
"As we step out onto the stage of life, we are to understand that the blessed God crowned all of us, not just the kings and priests who rule us, to reign with glory and honor and dignity.
C.S. Lewis remarked at the coronation of Queen Elizabeth in 1953 that 'the pressing of that huge, heavy crown on that small, young head was a symbol of the situation of all men.' God has called humanity to be his vice-regents and high priests on earth...
After the Fall, however, without God and his wisdom, generic adam is brutish, a tyrant (Prov. 30:2-2; cf. Ps. 73:22); with God and his revelation, adam is humane, crowned with dignity and honor.
In other words, humankind is created to establish the rule of God on earth."
- Bruce Waltke An Old Testament Theology
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