Counterpoints eBook Sale 2018 (Our Biggest Yet)

Creation and evolution. Homosexuality. Hell. eBooks exploring these and 31 other key topics are on sale: See the deals. Save up to 76% on these Counterpoints books and get expert dialogue on vital Christian issues—so you can draw your own informed conclusions.
The deals end May 8, 2018, at 11:59pm ET.
What's special about the Counterpoints series?
Counterpoints volumes offer you expert dialogue on vital Christian issues.
Each Counterpoints volume—for example, let's take Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design—contains multiple contributions, each representing a key position within evangelical Christianity. Each contributor presents their own perspective, but also responds to their fellow contributors. In the volume on creation, evolution, and intelligent design you will find:
- cases from Ken Ham (Young Earth Creationism), Hugh Ross (Old Earth [Progressive] Creationism), Deborah B. Haarsma (Evolutionary Creation), and Stephen C. Meyer (Intelligent Design)
- plus each contributor's responses to their peers
- and an introduction and conclusion by general editor J. B. Stump
This unique dialogue format helps you compare, critique, and evaluate different views on important topics. You will be equpped to think even more deeply about these subjects and reach your own informed conclusions.
So many Counterpoints... Where should you begin?
This is our biggest Counterpoints sale yet. Here's a small selection of new and popular volumes that could make a good starting place for you:
- Four Views on Creation, Evolution, and Intelligent Design
- Four Views on the Church's Mission
- Two Views on Homosexuality, the Bible, and the Church
- Four Views on Hell (Second Edition with All New Contributions)
- Four Views on Christianity and Philosophy
Shop now because this deal will disappear at 11:59pm ET on May 8, 2018!
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