Extra-Curricular Activities 9/10/10
Does biblical interpretation grow more difficult with the passing of time? A blogger compares hermeneutics to art criticism in an intriguing post called The haze on the Sistine ceiling. -Adam
New Yorker cartoonist Bob Mankoff shows how getting an idea is like “receiving a loan”. – Adam
Back to School Book Reviews
Review of The Bible Among the Myths by John Oswalt. "The last half of the book is where Dr. Oswalt shines. In the midst of what has been described as parallelomania (finding parallels between Christian and non-Christian literature even when those parallels do not exist), Oswalt points out the extreme dissimilarity between the Old Testament and other ANE literature."
Jesus is for Liars by Tim Baker "Hypocrisy surfaces as the insistence on salvation without any loose ends, instead of the authentic realization that salvation in a process guided by the Holy Spirit (chapter 6)."
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