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Extra-Curricular Activities - 01/05/11

Categories Extracurricular Activities

3928010509_c34e24dab4 Kevin DeYoung looks at Money and Possessions in Proverbs.

Allen Yeh on Jesus and the Poor.

Trevin Wax shares some Urban Legends we often hear in sermons.

According to Scot McKnight, Kingdom is the most misunderstood term in the Bible.

The Thinklings with These are the people in your blogohood. 

Daniel Kirk on loving the church as a scribe vs. loving it as a prophet. 

At Homebrewed Christianity, Theology After Google.

The other journal interviews David Fitch about his book The End of Evangelicalism?

Giving and Forgiving at Evangelical Crossroads.

Michael Bird asks if the Bible teaches Retributive or Restorative Judgment.

Phil Long asks Was Paul was a Cross Cultural Missionary?

Ben Witherington on Honor and Shame in the Apostolic Life.

Wednesday Giveaway: Why You Think The Way You Do
Wednesday Giveaway: Why You Think The Way You Do “People often talk about worldview when describing the philosophy that guides their lives. But how have we come by our ...
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