Extra-Curricular Activities 10/30/11
Joel Willitts on John 13 and the Disciples’ Mission.
Phil Long asks if Corinth was really a “Sin City.”
Marc Cortez continues his series on heresy with the “Just Shut Up!” definition.
Matthew Barrett argues that to abandon the Reformation is abandon the Gospel, and Brian LePort pushes back.
Daniel Kirk reflects on the importance of asking questions.
Louis has some initial impressions of N.T. Wright’s Kingdom New Testament, and Nomad podcast interviews Wright about the connection between academics and the local church, and our relationship with creation.
Roger Olson critiques the Church-as-business model.
Aaron Armstrong on the importance of the Ascension.
Peter Enns unpacks Theological Belligerence.
Andy Crouch on the New Urban Ministry.
Justin Taylor shares a series of videos about ancient Jerusalem.
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