Michael Bird Introduces a New Kind of Systematic Theology
When Michael Bird began teaching systematic theology several years ago and went looking for a textbook, he imagined a book that set up the whole theological project by articulating the gospel; a book that related all of the major subtopics of theology to the gospel; and a book that "oozed" gospel.
As he explains, "The more I began to think about it the more this became the book I wanted to write, not just find."
Evangelical Theology represents everything that Bird was searching for in a systematic theology textbook. It's a resource that's been crafted from the perspective of a biblical scholar with the guiding conviction that the center, boundaries, and "interpretive glue" of the evangelical faith is the evangel, the gospel—as opposed to doctrines like justification by faith or inerrancy.
It is available October 29, 2013 and we are pleased to let Bird himself introduce it to you in the video below:
Can’t see the video? Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EtXofha3kxw
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