Michael Bird Gives 4 Reasons Why Professors Should Use "Evangelical Theology"
If you're a professor and have been following Koinonia Blog the past few weeks you know that we've recently released Michael Bird's highly anticipated systematic theology book Evangelical Theology. In Bird's words the book is "a gospel-centered theology for Christians who seek to define themselves principlally by the gospel." (21)
His guiding conviction in writing his new systematic theology book is that "we need a theology that makes the the evangel the beginning, center, boundary, and interpretive theme of its theological project." Thus, he's undertaken the "theological exercise of constructing an evangelical theology by putting the 'evangel' at the helm." (21) And "at the helm" it is! This book oozes gospel, it permeates every facet of Bird's systematic theology which makes this book a compelling option amidst a sea of possible textbook choices.
That Bird's textbook is self-consciously guided by the evangel is reason enough to consider adopting it as a primary teaching tool for your theology class. In the video below Bird explains 4 more compelling reasons why you should use his textbook, 4 compelling benefits your students will receive from his teaching and method:
- He has a unique approach
- He is non-partisian and non-denominational
- He makes the content engaging and entertaining
- He gives away additional resources to supplement the conent
Watch the full video to better understand how this crucial new resource will benefit you and your students journey through evangelical theology. If you are a professor who is considering adopting Evangelical Theology for your classroom you can request a FREE examination (desk) copy (full details at the link).
Can't see the video? Watch it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwSxXSQ4cCM
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