Nabeel Qureshi, author of Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, passes

(Nashville, TN) September 18, 2017—It is with deep sympathy for family and loved ones that HarperCollins Christian Publishing recognizes the passing of Nabeel Qureshi, who lost his year-long battle with stomach cancer on Saturday, September 16, 2017, and entered into the presence of Jesus, whom he had embraced as his Savior and Lord. He was 34 years old.
A convert from Islam to Christianity, Qureshi was known as an apologist for the Christian faith, a powerful preacher, and a best-selling author. He had an MD degree from Eastern Virginia Medical School, an MA in Christian apologetics from Biola University, an MA in religion from Duke University, and an MPhil in Judaism and Christianity from Oxford University. At the time of his diagnosis with cancer, he was in the midst of a doctoral program in New Testament at Oxford University.
His best-selling book Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus (Zondervan 2014) chronicles his conversion to Christianity. It was followed by Answering Jihad: A Better Way Forward (Zondervan 2016), which was written in the days immediately following the 2015 terrorist attack in San Bernardino. His final book, No God but One: Allah or Jesus? (Zondervan 2016), was written ten years after his conversion and went on sale just one year ago.
Qureshi was loved by all who heard him speak and read his books, but especially by his parents, sister, wife, and two-year-old daughter. Zondervan has the privilege of being his publisher, and he is respected and loved by all who worked with him. “From a merely human perspective, it seems that Nabeel’s life was taken prematurely. But we know that the legacy of his witness for God will live on in the lives of those transformed by his message and in the books that he published,” says Mark Schoenwald, president and CEO of HarperCollins Christian Publishing.
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