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The Counterpoints Series on Accordance!

Categories Theology

The Counterpoints Series from Zondervan is now available on Accordance Software!


Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxt and Evangelicalism SEPTEMBER 15, 2011

David Lang

How is it that sincere and careful interpreters of the Bible can come to such different theological positions and practical applications? This happens with church practices such as baptism, the Lord's supper, church government, church growth, the proper form of worship, and the role of women in ministry. It also happens with central Christian beliefs, such as the relationship between the law and the gospel, the way God exercises sovereignty over the world, the nature of creation, heaven, and hell, etc. Which understandings of these things are "right" or "best"? And how can we decide when the various sides all seem to be talking past each other?

Zondervan's Counterpoint series of books is designed to help us explore these questions by reading the perspectives of people who respectfully disagree with each other. Each book presents several "views" on a particular question of biblical interpretation, theology, or church life. Each view is then critiqued by those who hold other views. The reader can then decide which position makes the most sense or has the strongest support. Even more importantly, the reader sees how sincere interpreters can interact with one another in a positive and uncontentious manner. 

The Counterpoints Church Life Series includes the following:     
Understanding Four Views on Baptism (Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, Christian Churches/Churches of Christ)
Who Runs the Church? Four Views on Church Government (Episcopalianism, Presbyterianism, Single-Elder Congregationalism, Plural-Elder Congregationalism)
Evaluating the Church Growth Movement: 5 Views  (Effective Evangelism, Gospel and Our Culture, Centrist, Reformist, Renewal)
Remarriage After Divorce in Today's Church: 3 Views (No Remarriage, Remarriage after Adultery or Desertion, Remarriage for Circumstances beyond Adultery or Desertion)
Understanding Four Views on the Lord's Supper (Baptist, Reformed, Lutheran, Roman Catholic)
Exploring the Worship Spectrum: 6 Views (Formal Liturgical, Traditional Hymn-Based, Contemporary Music-Drive, Charismatic, Blended, Emerging)

The Counterpoints Bible and Theology Series includes the following:     
Five Views on Apologetics (Classical, Evidential, Cumulative Case, Presuppositional, Reformed Epistemology)
Three Views on Creation and Evolution (Young Earth Creationism, Progressive Creationism, the Fully Gifted Creation)
Show Them No Mercy: 4 Views on God and Canaanite Genocide (Radical Discontinuity, Moderate Discontinuity, Eschatological Continuity, Spiritual Continuity)
Four Views on Hell (Literal, Metaphorical, Purgatorial, Conditional)
Five Views on Law and Gospel (Non-Theonomic Reformed, Theonomic Reformed, Law as Guidance for Holiness, Dispensational, Modified Lutheran)
Three Views on the Millennium and Beyond (Postmillennialism, Amillennialism, Premillennialism)
Three Views on Eastern Orthodoxy and Evangelicalism (Are They Compatible? Yes, No, Maybe)
Four Views on Divine Providence (God Causes All Things, Molinist View, God Controls by Liberating, God Limits His Control)
Four Views on the Book of Revelation (Preterist, Idealist, Progressive Dispensational, Classical Dispensational)
Two Views on Women in Ministry (Egalitarian, Complementarian)

All these volumes are available individually for Easy Install to Accordance 9 on Mac, and to Accordance for iOS. The entire set of 16 volumes, listing at $365 is now on sale for only $279.

See this page for a more details about these volumes.

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