Why do Evangelicals Swim the Tiber?
Recently Wheaton College hosted a discussion about Evangelicals converting to Roman Catholicism. The sessions featured authors of Journeys of Faith, and Gregg Allison’s and Craig Blaising’s lectures were in fact based on their respective contributions to the book.
You can listen to the sessions here, and below is the list of topics and contributors.
We are pleased to see that Journeys of Faith is sparking such thoughtful dialogue on an important issue for the church and the academy!
1. Dr. Gregg Allison – The Roman Road, or the Road to Rome? Why Some Protestants Drift to Catholicism.
2. Rev. Chris Castaldo - Crossing the Tiber: Why Catholics and Protestants Convert.
3. Dr. Craig Blaising – Does Accepting the Canon of Scripture Implicitly Affirm Rome’s Authority?
4. Dr. Robert Plummer – Moderator
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