5 Essential Resources to Build Your Bible Reference Library

Whether you are an interested Christian who desires to go deeper in the Bible, a volunteer ministry leader, or seasoned vocational minister, Zondervan offers you several resources essential to your study and communication of God’s Word.
These resources will give you an overview of the Bible, help you find verses and passages in the Bible, and help you understand things in the Bible by providing more specific information.
Below are five of the most essential resources to building your Bible reference library:
The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Third Edition
Only one concordance provides an exhaustive indexing of every appearance of every word in the NIV Bible: The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance, Third Edition.For those who don't read biblical Greek or Hebrew, this tool unlocks the meaning of the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek words from which the NIV was translated. This feature-rich NIV concordance offers: a complete alphabetical listings for every word in the NIV; thorough dictionary-indexes that define every Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek word in the Bible; a frequency count for each original-language word and each of its English translations as they appear in the NIV Bible; a special index of articles, conjunctions, particles, prepositions, and pronouns; and the unique numbering system developed by Goodrick and Kohlenberger, which eliminates the inherent gaps and inaccuracies of the old Strong’s numbering system. This resource is ideal for anyone interested in studying the Bible more deeply.
The NIV Exhaustive Bible Concordance
By John R. Kohlenberger III
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New International Dictionary Of New Testament Theology And Exegesis, Revised Edition
A standard and widely-used reference work for nearly 40 years, the New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology and Exegesis has been thoroughly revised and updated, offering a wealth of background and information on the meaning of NT Greek words—as well as related usage in classical Greek sources, the Septuagint, Jewish literature, and more. It is alphabetically arranged according to Greek words instead of previous order according to English topics. NIDNTTE includes nearly 800 entries covering over 3,000 Greek words, an expansion from the previous edition. Discussions have been revised to be in line with modern scholarship and bibliographies are updated. And a helpful semantic domain index now directs the reader to all of the Greek words that connect to a particular English word. As it has been for four decades, this reference set is the go-to source to aid today’s pastors, students, scholars, and teachers in their study of the Bible.
New International Dictionary Of New Testament Theology And Exegesis Set
By Moisés Silva
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Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary
This trusted commentary series is your guide to the background of the historical, political, and social context of the Old Testament. It invites readers to enter the Hebrew Scriptures with a company of guides, experts that will give new insights into these cherished writings. This series includeso ver 2000 photographs, drawings, maps, diagrams and charts, providing a visual feast that breathes fresh life into the text. Passage-by-passage commentary presents archaeological findings, historical explanations, geographic insights, notes on manners and customs, and more. Analysis into the literature of the ancient Near East will open your eyes to new depths of understanding both familiar and unfamiliar passages. Written by an international team of 30 specialists in background studies, this resource will prove invaluable to interested Christians and seasoned ministers alike.
Zondervan Illustrated Bible Backgrounds Commentary Set
By John Walton
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Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible
The 5-volumes of the Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible has been a classic Bible study resource for more than thirty years, based on the latest scholarship. Beautiful full-color pictures supplement the text, which includes fresh articles and the latest scholarship on relevant topics. Different viewpoints of scholarship permit a wellrounded perspective on significant issues relating to doctrines, themes, and biblical interpretation. The goal remains the same: to provide pastors, teachers, students, and devoted Bible readers a comprehensive and reliable library of information. The series offers more than 5,000 pages of vital information on Bible lands and people; more than 7,500 articles alphabetically arranged for easy reference; hundreds of full-color and black-and-white illustrations, charts, and graph; and pages of full-color maps and hundreds of black-and-white outline maps for ready reference. Scholarly articles written by 238 world-wide contributors, range across the entire spectrum of theological and biblical topics, backed by the most current body of archaeological research—making this resource an anchor to any Bible reference library.
Zondervan Encyclopedia of the Bible
By Merrill C. Tenney , Moisés Silva
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NIV Zondervan Study Bible
The NIV Zondervan Study Bible, featuring Dr. D. A. Carson as general editor, is built on the truth of Scripture and centered on the gospel message. An ambitious and comprehensive undertaking, Dr. Carson, with committee members Dr. T. Desmond Alexander, Dr. Richard S. Hess, Dr. Douglas J. Moo, and Dr. Andrew David Naselli, along with a team of over 60 contributors from a wide range of evangelical denominations and perspectives, crafted all-new study notes and other study tools to present a biblical theology of God’s special revelation in the Scriptures. To further aid the readers’ understanding of the Bible, this study Bible includes full-color maps, charts, photos and diagrams. In addition, a single-column setting of the Bible text provides maximum readability. The accessible and fresh interior design will capture your attention and enhance your study experience, making it a new standard for Bible engagement. Pre-order your own copy on May 27, 2015.
NIV Zondervan Study Bible
Edited By D. A. Carson and Doug Moo
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Bonus Recommendations
As you lay the foundation for a solid Bible reference library, here are a few other bonus recommendations to round out your references:
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