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November 23, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 23, 2013
Bible Gateway's "5 Views on Biblical Inerrancy" Live Blog At ETS We live-blogged the session on 5 Views on Biblical Ine...
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November 16, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 16, 2013
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts Debuts Chester Beatty Papyri The most exciting new additions to the CSNTM websi...
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November 9, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 8, 2013
Don Carson on 6 Reasons Why Not To Abandon Expository Preaching Some use the category "expository preaching" for all preaching th...
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November 2, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 2, 2013
Sharing the Gospel with Witches—Real Ones Each October, a half-million visitors invade Salem, Massachusetts. During the month-long Hallowee...
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October 26, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 25, 2013
Scot McKnight on Fights About Pacifism Driscoll calls pacifists pansies, failing yet again to comprehend what pacifism is and how best to a...
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October 19, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 19, 2013
Lynn H. Cohick on The Double-Edged Sword of Being a Female Bible Scholar Cohick has previously published several books and articles, includ...
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October 12, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 12, 2013
Scot McKnight Unpacks NT Wrights View of Rome as Empire and Emperor Worship In this chp we get to the heart of the new contribution that PF...
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October 5, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 5, 2013
How Did Calvin and Wesley Differ on Scripture? Scot McKnight Explains John Calvin and John Wesley differed on Scripture, not on its inspira...
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September 28, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – September 28, 2013
Note to our readers: iGoogle will be retired on November 1, 2013. If you’re reading the blog through iGoogle, sign up to get our posts by em...
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September 21, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – September 21, 2013
Ben Witherington Helps us Visualize Paul's Corinth Part 1—Schematics of what Paul’s Corinth, around A.D. 50 will have looked like. Part...
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September 14, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – September 14, 2013
Larry Hurtado on Key Christological Texts: Psalm 110 & Isaiah 45:23-25 These texts share several interesting features.  Bot...
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September 7, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – September 7, 2013
What Makes America So Prone to Intervention? Stanley Hauerwas Answers Stanley Hauerwas, professor emeritus of theological ethics at D...
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August 31, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – August 31, 2013
Tim Keller Says We Need Judges, The Book of the Bible That Is Why is Judges a great book for 21st-century Christians to study?  TK: All...
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August 24, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities – August 24, 2013
Ben Witheringon and the Myth of Non-Persecution in Candida Moss's "Myth of Persecution" At heart, the root of her concern is exaggerat...
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August 17, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities–August 17, 2013
Roger Olson Posits A Conversation between a Calvinist and an Arminian About God's Sovereignty Calvinist to Arminian: “You Arminians don...
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August 10, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities–August 10, 2013
Ever Wondered What A Day-in-the-Life Of A Biblical Scholar Looks Like? Ben Witherington Shares His Own On numerous occasions I’ve been aske...
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