"Five Views of Biblical Inerrancy" Ignores Typical Concerns To Focus on Doctrinal Ones
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Often when evangelicals engage the issue of biblical inerrancy we tend to address three concerns: political, sociological, and/or evangelical identity.
Not so with Five Views of Biblical Inerrancy.
As co-editor James Merrick explains, the primary concern is to refocus the conversation around doctrinal concerns, specifically these theological questions:
- What theological issues are at stake with inerrancy?
- How does inerrancy fit into our larger understanding of the Christian faith?
- What is the nature of God’s truthfulness?
- Is God’s truth simply the ability to be factually correct, or is there more?
- Why does God inspire the Bible?
- What is he trying to accomplish in the Bible?
“We wanted our authors to focus on these central theological questions rather than on political or sociological issues.”
That’s how this book contributes to the conversation of biblical inerrancy.
Listen to Merrick and explore this resource in order engage the doctrinal concerns of inerrancy yourself.
-Jeremy Bouma, Th.M. (@bouma)
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