God's Promise Fulfilled in Jesus [Infographic] – The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible

When it comes to quickly grasping and retaining information, the human brain functions best with a combination of both words and pictures. This is why the new innovative, helpful resource from Zondervan can significantly benefit your teaching ministry.
The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible is an infographic survey of Scripture. This visual guide to the Bible makes it accessible and memorable for students and anyone curious to know more about God’s Word.
In under 200 pages it presents dozens of infographic snapshots that visually communicate key stories and biblical insights in an informative and understandable way through:
- QuickView Summaries—outlines of Bible books and sections
- QuickGlance Bible Characters—revealing the highs and lows of central Bible figures’ lives
- QuickScan Bible Places—descriptions of key geographical locations and buildings in the Bible
- QuickLook Bible Events—tracing the main happenings in the Bible’s vast and interconnected history
Today we are highlighting one of the more significant events in the Bible: God's fulfilled promise of Jesus. If you haven't already yet, check out the character sketch on Joseph and the location sketch on the land of Israel.
In today's graphic (above) and excerpt you will see how The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible brings vivid clarity to the overarching story of Scripture, helping people you're teaching or ministering to gain a greater understanding and appreciation for God's Word.
Jesus, the Son of God, comes into the world thousands of years after God’s first promise to send a Savior. When the first man and woman sin in the garden of Eden, they immediately destroy their connection to God, to one another, and to the created world around them. However, at the same moment that sin enters the world, the great promise of God enters the world, too.
Immediately after Adam and Eve sin, God says to Satan, our enemy (1 Peter 5:8): “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; he will crush your head, and you will strike his heel” (Genesis 3:15). This verse contains both the “curse,” or the story of humanity’s fall from a state of grace, and God’s great promise to send one who is greater than Satan. The Promised One who is greater than Satan is God’s Son, Jesus. When God sends him into the world and he dies on the cross for our sins, he crushes the power of Satan to destroy our lives.
When the Son of God becomes a “son of man,” born in a humble manger in the obscure town of Bethlehem, he begins the fulfillment of prophecies spanning hundreds of years before his birth. Ultimately, it is through Jesus’ blood and his sacrificial death on the cross that “death has been swallowed up in victory” (1 Corinthians 15:54; Isaiah 25:8), providing for forgiveness of our sins and a way back to God.
The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible
By Christopher Hudson
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