Is It OK to Doubt Your Faith? A World-Class Doubter Says 'Yes!'
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(Can't see the video? Watch it here)
What aspects of the Christian faith that you believe today have you at some point doubted?
Perhaps the reliability of the Bible or the historicity of Jesus. Maybe the existence of God himself.
"Doubt's are a normal part of life," John Dickson says, author of the book A Doubter's Guide to the Bible. The book is his tribute to doubt. In it he helps people who aren't quite sure about the Bible, God, Jesus, and faith see how their doubts don't have to be avoided.
Dickson describes himself as a world-class doubter, which makes him the perfect person to explain why it's OK to doubt your faith.
Watch the above video as he share the place doubt has in our journey of faith, and how his book can lead you and people you know through its landscape.
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