Monday w/ Mounce is Coming Back!
It's been good to have taken a break from blogging over the summer, but it's time to start up again. So starting next Monday, Monday w/ Mounce issues will be delivered to your email box.
Because of changes at BiblicalTraining, I am having to streamline my blogging a little, so here's the plan.
- Monday w/ Mounce will become a little more eclectic. I'm going to stop the Thursday blog on Bible Study Greek and blend them into Monday w/ Mounce. This means that some of the Monday w/ Mounce blogs will be second year and some will be first year, but I trust you will learn from both levels. If you subscribed to the Bible Study Greek blog, you will automatically be subscribed to the Monday w/ Mounce blog.
- I'm also going to periodically do Monday w/ Mounce blogs on why I trust the Bible or perhaps issues on spiritual growth.
- My Greek Verse of the Day blog will still be done on Tuesdays and Thursdays. You can read these on If you want to be notified, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
- My Greek Word of the Day blog will still be done on Wednesdays and Fridays. You can read these on If you want to be notified, subscribe to my YouTube channel.
I trust all these will be helpful.

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