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July 14, 2012 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/14/12
James K.A. Smith – The Devil Has All the Best Stories  Michael Bird - Darrell Bock on the Non-Pauline gospel of the Speeches in Acts&#...
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July 11, 2012 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - Four Views on the Apostle Paul
In the Catholic tradition, Peter and Paul share a feast day – and more than once I have heard Catholic friends explain that this is to show ...
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July 10, 2012 | ZA Blog
Z Books Around the Web - ZECNT Review
Abram K-J at Words on the Word recently reviewed the Luke volume of the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Below is an ex...
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July 7, 2012 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/07/12
Christianity Today - The Evolution of the Debate: Divided on Origins EPS Blog - On the Holy Spirit and Christian Scholarship: An Interview w...
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July 4, 2012 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - How Christianity Changed the World
Has Christianity shaped Western culture for the better?  In this week’s giveaway, How Christianity Changed the World, Alvin J. Schmidt...
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July 3, 2012 | ZA Blog
Z Books Around the Web - A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism
Check out this post from Louis McBride, who discussed how war transformed the lives of Old Testament scholars Gerhard Von Rad and&#016...
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July 2, 2012 | bill-mounce
How can the genitive mean “in”? - Gal 2:16 (Monday with Mounce 150)
Someone asked, “I am curious why Gal 2:16; 3:22, and Rom 3:22, 26, are translated as ‘faith in Christ’ when the genitive case is used.” Good...
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June 30, 2012 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 06/30/12
HT: Near Emmaus Christianity Today - Timothy George on the Reformers' Postmodern Movement David Murray at Ligonier - 5 Reasons to Stud...
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June 28, 2012 | ZA Blog
Zondervan Books Around the Web
Orthodox blog sojourner and pilgrim reviewed Bringing Jesus to the Desert and found it “a great introduction to the ascetic life and a numbe...
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June 27, 2012 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - Introducing the Old Testament
This week’s giveaway is Introducing the Old Testament - the new abridgment of Tremper Longman’s bestselling An Introduction to t...
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June 26, 2012 | ZA Blog
A Theology of Luke and Acts - Blog Tour!
I am excited to announce that we will soon be hosting a blog tour for Darrell Bock’s A Theology of Luke and Acts here on Koinonia! In this s...
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June 25, 2012 | bill-mounce
Father’s “house” or “business”? - Luke 2:49 (Monday with Mounce 149)
When Jesus’ parents finally realized they had left Jesus in Jerusalem, returned, and finally found him, Jesus’ response is surprising to all...
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June 23, 2012 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 06/23/12
Joel Willitts - Bonhoeffer on Solitude from Life Together James K.A. Smith - Tradition for innovation Ben Myers - On the virgin birth: or, w...
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June 20, 2012 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - The Writings of John
“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3...
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June 18, 2012 | bill-mounce
“Make Yourself God” - John 10:33 (Monday with Mounce 148)
Someone sent me a blog post that says, “You don't need to be a Greek scholar to know that the Greek grammar of John 10:33 is the way on...
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June 16, 2012 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 06/16/12
Michael Horton - Who’s in Charge Here? The Illusions of Church Infallibility Daniel Kirk - Election and Grace Peter Enns - “If They Only Kne...
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