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August 3, 2011 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - How I Changed My Mind About Women in Leadership
Bill and Lynne Hybels, I. Howard Marshall, John and Nancy Ortberg, and Cornelius Plantinga - though from diverse backgrounds these evangeli...
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August 1, 2011 | bill-mounce
Classical and Koine on “New” (Monday with Mounce: Repost)
Language changes. It is one of the undeniable, universal truths of reality. Events can slow the development of a language down, like the K...
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July 31, 2011 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/31/11
John Stott passed away this past week. We mourn the loss of a godly and influential figure in Christ's church, and are thankful for his...
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July 27, 2011 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters
I'm excited to announce this week's giveaway, Andreas Kostenberger's A Theology of John's Gospel and Letters! Kostenberge...
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July 25, 2011 | bill-mounce
Apollumi, "destroy," and Annihilationism (Monday with Mounce: Repost)
Does apollumi mean "destroy"? I have been receiving requests lately about words and grammar that all relate to the issue of annih...
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July 24, 2011 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/24/11
Tim Gombis on The Paul We Think We Know. Ben Witherington posts part 8 of his Humilitas review. Jim Elliff shares a parable about hoarding ...
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July 20, 2011 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - Three Views on the New Testament Use of the Old Testament
The New Testament is filled with quotes and allusions from the Old Testament. But exactly how do New Testament texts relate to their ...
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July 19, 2011 | ZA Blog
What is Sin?
"Sin is one of those concepts that, on first glance, would seem to need no explanation. What is more central to the Christian faith th...
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July 18, 2011 | bill-mounce
Was Timothy Timid or Fearful? (Repost: Monday with Mounce 17)
With Bill Mounce on a break for the summer, I thought this would be a good opportunity to highlight some of the best posts from his series &...
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July 17, 2011 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/17/11
James K.A. Smith on the state of contemporary theology. Ben Witherington continues his review of Humilitas. Michael Bird concludes his seri...
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July 13, 2011 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - the Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery
This week for our Wednesday Giveaway we are featuring the Zondervan Dictionary of Biblical Imagery!  The Scriptures are filled with i...
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July 11, 2011 | ZA Blog
Review of John Dickson's "Life of Jesus"
Phil Long at Reading Acts recently posted a review of Dickson's Life of Jesus. You can read and excerpt below and find the rest here. ...
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July 10, 2011 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 07/10/11
A man in Japan has recently designed the bibliophile’s dream home. Ben Witherington continues his review of Humilitas. At Engaging Church, ...
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July 8, 2011 | ZA Blog
Acton Institute interviews Wayne Grudem about "Politics According to the Bible"
Recently the Acton Institute interviewed Wayne Grudem about his latest book, Politics According to the Bible. In the interview they cover ...
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July 6, 2011 | ZA Blog
Wednesday Giveaway - Humilitas
What is humility? How can we pursue it? Would a humble person even know they were humble? Of all the virtues, humility may be the most...
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July 5, 2011 | ZA Blog
Ben Witherington on Humilitas
Over at The Bible and Culture Ben Witherington is working through John Dickson's latest book, Humilitas. Below is an excerpt from part ...
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