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January 5, 2017 | stephen-wellum
[Common Places] The Five Solas: Christ Alone
This year we celebrate the 500th anniversary of the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation, looking back to Martin Luther’s 95 Theses and ...
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January 4, 2017 | ZA Blog
Hebrew and You with Lee M. Fields - Hebrew Poetry and Isaiah
According to Duvall and Hayes in Grasping God’s Word , more than one-third of the Old Testament is written in the form of poetry. (373) Mode...
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January 3, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
Three Steps Toward Rightly Knowing the Doctrine of the Trinity
Fred Sanders has an ambitious goal with his new book The Triune God: securing our knowledge of the triune God by rightly ordering the theolo...
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January 2, 2017 | bill-mounce
When is Greek Grammar Bad English Grammar? (1 Cor 9:6) - Mondays with Mounce 270
This blog can be placed in the category of the inconsistencies of formal equivalent translations, which try to keep Greek word order if poss...
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December 27, 2016 | jeremy-bouma
10 Principles You Need to Know about Trinitarian Dogmatics
While celebrating Christ's incarnation is fresh on our breath, it's apt we contemplate the Trinity. After all, the God-with-us event is inhe...
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December 20, 2016 | jeremy-bouma
Explore God’s Two Books: God’s Word and God’s Works - Reflecting on "Evolution: Scripture and Nature Say Yes!"
25% and 23% These two numbers represent the reason why Denis Lamoureux wrote his new book Evolution: Scripture and Nature Say Yes! The first...
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December 19, 2016 | bill-mounce
The Many Faces of γάρ (1 Cor 14:23) - Mondays with Mounce 269
We all know that a word has a range of meanings. In fact, I am not sure there is a word that only means one precise thing. And while a word ...
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December 15, 2016 | fredsanderszabloggmail-com
[Common Places]: Pro-Nicene Theology: Theology and Economy in Scripture
Our current series, Pro-Nicene Theology, offers doctrinal and exegetical entries to the key tenets of basic Trinitarian orthodoxy as develop...
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December 14, 2016 | ZA Blog
Why Are Jesus' Genealogies in Matthew and Luke Different?
The birth narratives in both Matthew and Luke help answer the question, “Who is Jesus and where did he come from?” One of the ways each book...
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December 13, 2016 | jeremy-bouma
What Is an "Evangelical" Dogmatics of Scripture? Here’s a Framework
Several years ago, Oliver Crisp and Fred Sanders conceived of an annual conference discussing and explicating Christian doctrine, one that w...
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December 12, 2016 | bill-mounce
Idioms and Context (1 Cor 2:7) - Mondays with Mounce 268
Idioms are notoriously difficult to translate. When they occur in isolation, they are a little easier since you can just find an English exp...
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December 9, 2016 | ZA Blog
What is the Purpose of the Book of Daniel? An Excerpt from the Story of God Bible Commentary
"The book of Daniel is often read for its contribution to our understanding of end-times events, but sometimes Christians have been so obses...
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December 6, 2016 | jeremy-bouma
Do You Know about These Two Unique Features of John's Gospel?
It has been understood that John's Gospel is a distinct chronicling of the person and work of Jesus of Nazareth. That biblical scholars have...
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December 5, 2016 | bill-mounce
Statistics Don’t Lie, but Statisticians Can Mislead (1 John 1:7) - Mondays with Mounce 267
I am finishing up a class for on why I trust the Bible. For the last several weeks I have been immersed in Dan Wallace ...
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December 2, 2016 | ZA Blog
Turning the Mind to Doxology - An Excerpt from The Triune God by Fred Sanders
Today’s excerpt is from The Triune God, the second volume in our New Studies in Dogmatics series. Within, Fred Sanders seeks to retrieve the...
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December 1, 2016 | lewisayreszablog
[Common Places] Pro-Nicene Theology: Theologia and Oikonomia
Our current series, Pro-Nicene Theology, offers doctrinal and exegetical entries to the key tenets of basic Trinitarian orthodoxy as develop...
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