What it means to read the General Epistles theologically

We recently sat down with Peter H. Davids to discuss what it a biblical theology of the General Epistles looks like. See his answer below.
His online course on the theology of James, Peter, and Jude is now open. Sign up today.
In James, 1 & 2 Peter, and Jude, we have a group of letters very heavily dependent on Jesus—especially First Peter and James. And they are showing how the teaching of Jesus was used by the first century church.
A theological study tends to draw the ideas together—what are the implications of this for the building of the whole of Christian theology?
I think a major issue in these works is that they’ve been so neglected. How does this Sermon on the Mount work in everyday life? How does the God that Jesus talked about function in everyday life? They’re often misread, in a way that they weren’t originally. You have a truncated New Testament theology and you’ve cut off a part.
If a person reads these books via this course, that they will realize that they are a rich theological contribution to their life. Because of that, they will see that they have a fresh understanding of the Gospels
I’ve spent 45 years studying these works. I’m still fascinated by them now, as I was then. I think you should take this course because it fills out a gap in the New Testament that is part of what will enrich your spiritual life; will take you deeper into the faith of the church, and will help you to grow as a person who really knows God and knows Jesus.
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