“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
—Matthew 11:28
Rest. You crave it. Your body needs it. Your tired soul longs for it. But in the madness of your day-to-day rush, how can you possibly find it? Truth be told, when life’s demands overwhelm us, the first thing we sacrifice is our own rest. But God has a different plan for us: He made us to enjoy deep, reviving refreshment in Him. 365 Devotions for Finding Rest will guide you in a yearlong journey toward embracing His rest in your life. You’ll be amazed as God’s peace and restoration transform you.
About the Author
Christina Vinson is a freelance writer and editor based in Nashville, Tennessee. She is the author of several books including God’s Peace When You Can’t Sleep and also regularly contributes to several websites and magazines, covering everything from country music to prison life. In addition to writing, Christina loves reading, baking, traveling with her husband, and drinking lots of coffee.