Announcing the New Normal in Higher Ed Webinar Series

The disruption to Christian Higher Education from the COVID-19 crisis is extensive and has far reaching consequences. During this time, we are committed to partnering with instructors and institutions.
We are excited to announce the New Normal in Higher Ed webinar series, which aims to address some of the key concerns facing classroom instructors and institutional leaders.
Please join us Monday, April 20 at 2:00 PM for the inaugural free webinar “Improving Online Student Learning through Character Formation.” This webinar will feature a live conversation between Joanne Jung (Biola University) and Jacob Shatzer (Union University) that includes both principles and practical applications.
The New Normal in Higher Ed webinar series addresses issues of best practice in distance learning.The global health crisis has forced millions into online learning, and while digital tools abound, few instructors are trained in online pedagogy.This series of short webinars will include interviews and recommendations from experienced and published practitioners addressing the instructor side of the online classroom considering topics such as character formation, community building, how to develop an online course, synchronous vs. asynchronous, best and worst online tools and more.It is provided by BibleMesh and Zondervan Academic.
Joanne Jung (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is Associate Dean, Online Education and Faculty Development, and Associate Professor of New Testament, at Biola University. Her interests lie in hermeneutics and spiritual formation. Her research of the English Puritans, specifically their spiritual practices and community, continues to fuel Jung's passion to nurture her students' growth in their knowledge of the Bible and seeing that knowledge impact their spiritual transformation. She is the author of several books, including Character Formation in Online Education: A Guide for Instructors, Administrators, and Accrediting Agencies.
Jacob Shatzer (PhD, Marquette University) is Associate Dean, School of Theology & Missions, and Associate Professor of Theological Studies, at Union University. He has published on topics ranging from theological hermeneutics to posthumanism. Jacob is an ordained Southern Baptist minister and has served congregations in various capacities, including youth ministry and supply preaching and teaching. He is an assistant editor forEthics & Medicineanda consultant for BibleMesh. He also plays a small role in helping lead the “Voices in American Theology and Culture: Wendell Berry” consultation in the Evangelical Theological Society
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