Bridge the Gap Between Class and Study

In college and seminary courses, you’ll inevitably find that some students rely on your lectures and class discussions to learn the material, while others trust the text to teach them everything they need to know.
But without the text, students have trouble keeping up with your lectures and contributing to discussions. Without class lectures and discussions, students miss important contextualization for what they’re reading in the text, and additional material that isn’t in the book.
You can’t control how your students choose to learn. But you want as many of them as possible to master the material and be successful. That’s why our new Enhanced Edition textbooks give your students the best of both worlds. These digital texts make independent study more engaging and give students better access to your personal insights.
Here’s how.
Teach in the text
Over the years, you’ve probably made countless notes in your textbooks. These notes shape how you discuss, teach on, and think about the material. But when your students crack open traditional textbooks, the only notes they have are those they make themselves.
With Enhanced Editions, that all changes—because you can add your own insights and additional material directly to the text. As your students dive into their books, they’ll encounter your notes, highlights, videos, links, and audio along the way. You can even include entire lectures (or relevant portions of them). This helps students understand the text as it relates to your class, and it lets you frame how they think about the concepts, claims, and ideas in the text. If the author makes a statement or poses a question you want your class to ignore, you can tell them right inside the book.
Class discussions can also happen in the book. Whether you use them as warmups for your in-class meetings or for participation points, you can encourage your students to discuss key ideas and concepts in the same place they encounter them.
Even when your students dutifully attend your lectures, participate in discussions, and take copious notes, it can still be difficult to contextualize what they read on their own. By connecting your teaching and supplemental material to the text, you’re giving your students the best chance to learn what they need to know and come away from their studies with the right ideas.
Hear from the authors
It takes work to unpack meaning in an academic text. They’re written by brilliant scholars, many of whom have devoted their lives to studying the subjects they write about. As a student, opening a book to a wall of text can be intimidating. But it doesn’t have to be.
Every chapter of every Enhanced Edition includes a video introduction from the author. This doesn’t replace the text, and your students still have to do the work of reading and interpreting the book itself. Instead, these videos prepare your students to do that work. It’s like having a conversation about what you’re going to learn before you start reading on your own.
These introductions help students engage with the text and feel more confident about digging into the material.
Provide dynamic opportunities for review
Review questions give students a valuable way to see how much of the text they actually understand. But what happens after a student completes a review? They may have an idea of what they need to work on. But if they take the review again, it doesn’t really help them—they recognize the questions, and they’ve seen the right answers.
Enhanced Editions come with dynamic reviews that adjust to student responses. Powered by Cerego’s artificial intelligence, our reviews reshuffle and rephrase questions to ensure that every student truly learns what they need to know.
It’s a personalized study experience. That’s why lecturers who have used Cerego say it “is like having a teaching assistant that goes home with my students.”
Give your students more reason to be in the text
At the end of every chapter, Enhanced Editions include customizable quizzes. They come prepackaged with questions to address the text, but you can edit, remove, or add questions as much as you like. When students complete these quizzes, they receive a score on the spot, and you can give them more chances to improve their score or just export the results to your learning management system.
Between quizzes, personalized reviews, class discussions, video introductions, and your own unique insights, Enhanced Editions encourage your students to open their texts more frequently, and spend more time wrestling with the material.
Try Enhanced Editions free for six weeks
Enhanced Editions give you the same trusted textbooks, and they cost your students the same as a print edition.
Want to see them for yourself? Tell us about your class, choose your textbooks, and your whole class can use Enhanced Editions free for six weeks.
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