Students: If You Can Choose, Choose Enhanced Edition Textbooks

For many students, college classes can feel like an obstacle course you have to navigate to get a degree and pursue your dreams. It can feel like doing well in class is more about trying to get a good job than trying to master the material.
But that’s not the case with biblical and theological education.
Whether you’re pursuing a ministry-oriented degree or you have to take some classes on the Bible or theology at your Christian college, the scriptural knowledge you acquire will benefit you for the rest of your life. It will amplify your personal Bible study, and you’ll use it as you faithfully serve others throughout your life. You want to take advantage of your studies, being intentional about retaining as much as possible.
Thankfully, with the right features, getting the most out of your classes on the Bible and theology is a snap.
Enhanced Editions: textbooks upgraded
Enhanced Editions are more than ebook versions of the course text. They’re full-featured tools that elevate trusted textbooks and turn them into dynamic educational resources, allowing you to get more out of your study without having to put in tons of extra work.
These features include:
- Video lectures from the textbook authors
- Notes and highlights from your professor throughout the text
- Quizzes and reflection questions which are completely customizable by your instructor
- Exportable notes and highlighting capabilities to make future study more valuable
- Integration with Cerego’s adaptive learning platform to assist in review of important concepts
- All for the same price as a print-edition textbook
Let’s take a look at how they work.
Improve every study session
At the end of every chapter, Enhanced Edition textbooks include an interactive review section using Cerego’s adaptive learning platform that dynamically reacts to your responses. Cerego recognizes when you need more help understanding important concepts, so it rephrases and reorders the review questions. You can go through these reviews as many times as you want until you have a solid grasp of what you need to know from each chapter.
When you’re done with the review, you can also take a quiz right inside your textbook. If your instructor makes Enhanced Editions the required version of your class text, then they can add, remove, or edit these questions to fit your class. And if you’re the only student in your class with an Enhanced Edition, you’ll have the advantage of using these quizzes for practice.
Additionally, Enhanced Editions come stocked with video lectures from the textbook’s author. If you find yourself struggling with concepts in the content, having the author explain it to you can make all the difference.
Make your textbook your own
If Enhanced Editions simply allowed instructors to fine-tune the text to fit their class, they’d be invaluable—but they’re capable of more.
With Enhanced Editions, you can highlight passages and take copious notes. Instead of scribbling in the margins, you can type as much as you need.
You can then export your notes to create your own study guides. The quizzes and reflection questions allow you to monitor your progress and retention of the material. Also, Enhanced Editions come integrated with Cerego’s adaptive learning platform, enabling you to take your self-assessment to a whole new level.
Textbooks tailored to your courses
Imagine if you sat down to do your required reading, and your instructor was there to guide you through your text. They could point out critical passages or even tell you not to worry too much about specific paragraphs because that information was outside the scope of this class. This is exactly what Enhanced Editions give you when your instructor makes them the required text format.
For the same price as a standard textbook, Zondervan’s Enhanced Editions become a dynamic and interactive pathway through your required material. They include all the material you would find if you purchased a physical copy, but they also give your professor the ability to adapt the text to fit the course.
This means you don’t have to wade through your textbook wondering how it’s going to integrate with your class. Your professor can highlight sections, add comments, and cater to the needs of the course with in-text quizzes and reflection questions.
Look for Enhanced Editions
There’s no way around it; classes on theology or the Bible are text heavy. Juggling coursework is rough, and all that required reading can be a strain. If you’re going to buy a textbook, why not pay the same amount for an edition that will improve your comprehension and retention?
And remember, Enhanced Editions are even better when your whole class uses them, because then your professors can add their own notes, videos, audio, and links within the text.
With a growing number of titles like: The New Testament in Its World, Grasping God’s Word, Systematic Theology, A Survey of the Old Testament, and How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth, you can get augmented digital copies of many widely-used texts. So if you’re shopping for textbooks, check first to see if any required texts are available in Enhanced Edition format. It’ll make all the difference.
Students: Browse Enhanced Editions.
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