How we know Jesus is God: 2 ways of understanding religion

We're all on a search for God. Who am I to impose my version of God on you?
There are two ways of understanding God, religion, and spirituality.
One way is to say we're all on a journey, we're all searching for the truth, and we're all searching for God, and we all have our own experiences and perspectives. If Jesus says He's God to me, fine. But if you have found some other God, who am I to impose Jesus on you? How do I know Jesus really is God if we're all searching for God together? That's one way.
But there's a second way, and it says it's not so much that we journey looking for God. It's God journeying and looking for us. In the end, that is the big claim of Jesus and the Bible. The Logos becomes flesh. God comes to us. Purpose comes to us. Truth comes to us. Hope comes to us. Rather than us looking for God, God looks for us and He finds us. Jesus says, "I am God."
Today’s post comes from Sam Chan, a public evangelist with City Bible Forum in Sydney, Australia, where he regularly shares the gospel with high school students, city workers, doctors, and lawyers. His Evangelism in a Skeptical World is available as a book and a course. Take a look at the FREE preview:
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