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May 4, 2009 | bill-mounce
Women are saved through the bearing of children (Monday with Mounce 35)
1 Tim 2:15 has been labeled as one of the truly strange verses of the Bible, and appropriately so. I know of no one who takes it “literally”...
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May 1, 2009 | john-walton
The Walls of Jerico . . . and When Archaeology and the Bible Disagree
One of the most remarkable events recorded in the Old Testament is the collapse of the walls of Jericho. Here would seem to be an ideal opp...
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May 1, 2009 | ZA Blog
The New Testament in Antiquity
Recent reviews of The New Testament in Antiquity have been helpful and enjoyable reading. I'm happy to see how positi...
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April 30, 2009 | ZA Blog
Influential Books and Authors: Miles Van Pelt on John Piper, Bill Mounce and others
Each week in Influential Books and Authors we hear from a noted scholar on the author(s) and book(s) that have been most important to ...
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April 27, 2009 | bill-mounce
To Be Changed . . . μεταμορφουσθε (Monday with Mounce 34)
I have been thinking a lot lately about my personal mission statement. In past years, I never liked mission statements. They seemed to be ...
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April 24, 2009 | john-walton
The Ten Commandments . . . in Context
When the Law stele of Hammurabi and other collections of legal sayings from the ancient world were found, it was noticed that there were pa...
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April 23, 2009 | ZA Blog
Influential Books and Authors: Bill Mounce on J.I. Packer, John Piper and others
Each week in Influential Books and Authors we hear from a noted scholar on the author(s) and book(s) that have been most important to ...
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April 20, 2009 | bill-mounce
Introduction to the Imperfect (Monday with Mounce 33)
As you learn Greek, you will be exposed to the whole issue of aspect. At first it is a little confusing, but after a while you will get the...
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April 18, 2009 | ZA Blog
Michael E. Wittmer: Why have Rock 'n Roll titles?
Ever wonder why Mike Wittmer titles his books after rock songs? Look no further.... Michael E. Wittmer on his rock 'n roll book titles ...
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April 16, 2009 | ZA Blog
Influential Books and Authors: Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. discusses Beecher, ETS and more
Each week in Influential Books and Authors we hear from a noted scholar on the author(s) and book(s) that have been most important to ...
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April 15, 2009 | ZA Blog
The God I Don't Understand: Chapter 11, and thoughts from iMonk
Uber-blogger "Internet Monk" (Michael Spencer) posted his thoughts on The God I Don't Understand this week: Wright will stir...
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April 14, 2009 | ZA Blog
Animal Rights and Imago Dei by Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
On April 9, 2009, The New York Times ran an op-ed piece by Nicholas D. Kristof entitled "Humanity Even for Nonhumans" He argued t...
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April 13, 2009 | bill-mounce
The History behind Basics of Biblical Greek (Monday with Mounce 32)
I know this is a bit off topic, but someone asked the other day about the history behind Basics of Biblical Greek and suggested that ...
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April 11, 2009 | ZA Blog
"Ephesians and Resurrection" by Lynn H. Cohick
The bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ is central to the evangelical faith, and is fixed firmly in the Church’s creeds. But how does this ...
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April 9, 2009 | ZA Blog
"Good Friday...or was it Wednesday or Thursday?" by Walter C. Kaiser Jr.
Scripture clearly predicted in Matthew 12:40 "For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the heart of the earth, so the Son of Man...
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April 8, 2009 | ZA Blog
The God I Don't Understand: Reflections on Chapter 10
Let all creation rejoice before the Lord, for he comes, He comes to judge the earth. He will judge the world in righteousness and the peop...
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