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July 16, 2009 | ZA Blog
Influential Books and Authors: Douglas Estes on Warren, Rainer
Each week in Influential Books and Authors we hear from a noted scholar on the author(s) and book(s) that have been most important to ...
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July 15, 2009 | ZA Blog
"The Codex Sinaiticus: Pages from the World's Oldest Bible Reunited" by Karen H. Jobes
The ancient codex meets modern technology with the Codex Sinaiticus project that went online this month. Because Sinaiticus, the world’s...
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July 15, 2009 | ZA Blog
Return to Calvin: A Personal Reflection on how Calvinism has Lost its Way
By Douglas Estes
A knock came at my door. Even though I was studying, I pulled my feet off my desk, jumped up from my chair and opened the door of the clos...
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July 14, 2009 | ZA Blog
A Don of Biblical Proportions:
A Tribute to Martin Hengel (1926-2009) by John Dickson
As the music world farewells Michael Jackson, the king of pop, academia mourns the loss of a don of truly biblical proportions. Martin Heng...
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July 14, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin: Why He Would Have Embraced Social-Networking
(and Why We Should, too) by Douglas Estes
John Calvin is up late reworking some rudiments of the faith and preparing for tomorrow’s lectures. 11 minutes ago · Comment · Like There...
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July 13, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin, Virtual Church Pioneer by Douglas Estes
(Z Academic welcomes author, pastor, and NT scholar, Douglas Estes, for a week long series on Koinonia!) John Calvin was not only one of t...
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July 10, 2009 | ZA Blog
Happy Birthday, John Calvin by Michael E. Wittmer
John Calvin is one of the most misunderstood men in church history. Contrary to popular opinion, John Calvin was not: 1. the dictator of G...
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July 9, 2009 | ZA Blog
False Dichotomies in Mission pt. 2 of 2 by Christopher J.H. Wright
(See part 1 for the complete context of this post, and for False Dichotomies #1-2.) Question: In what way have we as evangelical Christians ...
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July 8, 2009 | ZA Blog
False Dichotomies in Mission pt. 1 of 2 by Christopher J.H. Wright
In June, the Lausanne Biennial Leadership Meeting took place, with about 200 leaders of the Lausanne Movement from around the world meetin...
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July 5, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin's Commentary: John 1:6
6. There was a man sent by God, whose name was John. 7. He came for a testimony, that he might testify of the light; that by him all might b...
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July 4, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin's Commentary: Psalm 1:1
1. Blessed are they who are upright in their way, walking in the law of Jehovah. Psalm 1:1 1. Blessed are they who are upright. In these wor...
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July 1, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin's Institutes: 1.6.1
Scripture Is Needed as Guide and Teacher for Anyone Who Would Come to God the Creator 1. God bestows the actual knowledge of himself upon us...
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July 1, 2009 | ZA Blog
John Calvin: His legacy in commentaries, not just the institutes by Mark L. Strauss
As the 500th birthday of John Calvin approaches (July 10th), theologians around the world will be reflecting on and celebrating this man’s...
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June 30, 2009 | ZA Blog
Latayne Scott Blog Tour Today!
Author of The Mormon Mirage, Latter-Day Cipher
Latayne C. Scott, author of The Mormon Mirage: A Former Member Looks at the Mormon Church Today and Latter-Day Cipher is ...
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June 29, 2009 | ZA Blog
New Testament Manuscripts: The Beat Goes On by Daniel B. Wallace
For the past twelve months, I’ve been on sabbatical from my teaching duties at Dallas Seminary. The sabbatical officially comes to an end on...
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June 29, 2009 | bill-mounce
How Rude was Jesus? (Monday with Mounce 40)
Jesus is at the wedding at Cana, his mom sees a need, and asks Jesus (well, actually tells him) to help. Jesus’ response is,τι εμοι και σοι,...
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