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April 21, 2014 | bill-mounce
Ransom and Redemption (Heb 9:15) — Mondays with Mounce 225
Steve asked me about the NIV’s use of “ransom” in Heb 9:15. He wrote, “I've always been confused by the ransom concept, because it lead...
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April 19, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — April 19, 2014
Larry Hurtado Gives Further Insight on "Jesus' Wife" Papyrus First Series of Observations: From an initial (and rapid) ...
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April 18, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Cross and Resurrection: The Crux of the Matter for Muslims
Nabeel Qureshi is an unlikely Christian. Besides growing to adulthood as a devout Muslim, you could say he was a Muslim of Muslims, having ...
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April 17, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Faith in a Resurrected Christ Rescues Us from Misplaced Faith — An Excerpt from "Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection"
In a few days many of us will teach on the most monumental event in history: Christ's resurrection. As I prepare for this honor myself I...
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April 16, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Developments in My Field of Study — Trends in Biblical Language Studies "Interesting and Exciting!" Says Van Pelt
(Can't see the video? Watch it here) Developments in biblical languages seems as exciting as developments in algebra or physics. While ...
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April 15, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
"Raised?" Will Help You Teach The Implications of the Resurrection This Easter
Like most of you, at the start of Holy Week I am deep in reflection upon the most monumental event in history: the resurrection.  I&#...
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April 14, 2014 | bill-mounce
Should we forfeit the word “forfeit”? (Matt 16:26) — Mondays with Mounce 224
In this most central passage on discipleship, Jesus says, “If anyone resolves to come after me, he must deny himself and take up  his...
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April 12, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — April 12, 2014
Some Scientists Say Papyrus Referring to Jesus’ Wife Is More Likely Ancient Than Fake A faded fragment of papyrus known as the “Gospel of J...
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April 11, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
"Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus": The Book I Wish I Had 8 Years Ago
For a few months I worked for an upscale department store in D.C. before beginning my M.Div. program. It was a memorable work experience be...
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April 11, 2014 | ZA Blog
eBook Sale: Study Resources & NIV Bibles, Ends 4/13/14
  We'd like to share the Study Resources and Bibles eBook sale with you for two reasons: These resources will help you and your p...
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April 11, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
The Resurrection Has Consequences — An Excerpt from "Evangelical Theology" by Michael Bird
In nine days Christians around the world will loudly, boldly proclaim: “Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again!” We do no...
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April 10, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
3 Reminders Why Evangelical Theology is Crucicentric — An Excerpt from "Evangelical Theology" By Michael Bird
"Christ crucified" has been an anthem for generations of confessing Evangelicals, and for good reason. Today we provide a timely e...
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April 9, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Developments in My Field of Study — Schreiner Says Luther & Calvin Were Right About Paul
(Can't see the video? Watch it here) In 2010 I had the chance to listen to one of the heavy-hitting voices in one of the most significa...
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April 8, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Introducing the KNOW Series: Hospitable Guides to the Historic Christian Faith
Recently I assembled a new stroller for our soon-to-be-delivered baby. For the life of me I couldn’t figure out how to put the darn thing t...
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April 7, 2014 | bill-mounce
Was Judas’ “place” or “home” deserted? (Acts 1:20) — Mondays with Mounce 223
In speaking of Judas, Peter quotes Ps 69:25. “‘For,’ said Peter, ‘it is written in the Book of Psalms: “May his place (ἔπαυλις) be deserted...
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April 5, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — April 5, 2014
Peter Enn's 16 random, Non-Spoiler, Thoughts on “Noah” After saying in my last post that I would probably wait to see Noah until ...
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