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March 3, 2014 | bill-mounce
Respecting Parts of Speech (Hebrews 13:21) — Mondays with Mounce 219
One of the debates in translation work is whether there is meaning in the form of a sentence. If one word is an infinitive, for example, an...
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March 1, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — March 1, 2014
Man or God? Bart Ehrman and Michael Bird et al Debate the Divinity of Jesus At the center of the Christian faith stands a perplexing event-...
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February 27, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
How the Resurrection Changes Everything — An Excerpt from "Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrection"
Zondervan Academic recently released a book ideal for people struggling with faith and doubt, Raised? Finding Jesus by Doubting the Resurrec...
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February 26, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
An Old Testament Resource for People Who Say, "I Don't Know What to Do With This!"
Connecting the Old Testament to the real lives of real people can be a real challenge. I remember when I taught through The Story church cam...
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February 26, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Where Does Peter Enns See the Biblical Inerrancy Discussion Going?
In December Zondervan Academic was pleased to release a timely new resource for students of biblical theology: Five Views on Bi...
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February 25, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
1st Century Greek & Jewish Flip-Floppers: Why They Matter for the Resurrection's Plausibility
There is a new book releasing today that travels the well-worn path of helping people find Jesus. Some gospel-sharing books and evangelism-...
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February 24, 2014 | bill-mounce
The Aorist Is so Much More than a Past Tense — Mondays with Mounce 218
This is one of the basic points we try to make in first year Greek, but in the rush to simplify the language sufficiently for a first year ...
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February 22, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — February 22, 2014
Note: Right now there is a sale on the Counterpoints series. Every Counterpoints eBook (including the latest titles such as Four Views on th...
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February 21, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Karen Jobes on How Love for Others Expresses Love for God (1 John 4:17 – 5:3) — An Excerpt from "1, 2, & 3 John (ZECNT)"
For the past few years the Zondervan Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament series has been my go-to source for Sunday morning sermon pr...
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February 20, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
John Wesley On Unfairly Judging Others — An Excerpt From "John Wesley's Teachings: Society and Ethics"
Of late, I am finding a new source of theological and pastoral insights from what I believe is one of the most untapped, neglected evangelic...
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February 19, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Gignilliat Says, "Seminary Is Like Boot Camp, Not Christian Summer Camp"
Question time for those who are currently in a seminary program: Did you ever imagine it would be like this? With all of the languages, obsc...
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February 19, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Jesus Has Patience For Doubting the Resurrection, So Should We — An Excerpt From "Raised?"
I find it increasingly challenging to minister in our post-Christian, postmodern world—a world that doubts institutional truth claims, like ...
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February 18, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
Con Campbell Live In Grand Rapids (2/28/14) - Outreach and the Artist
If you live in the Grand Rapids, MI area you'll want to know about this free event with author and biblical scholar Con Campbell, featur...
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February 18, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
5 Criticisms of John Wesley's Teachings and Our Readings of Them
A few weeks ago Zondervan Academic released Thomas Oden's final volume on John Wesley's sermons, John Wesley's Teachings:...
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February 17, 2014 | bill-mounce
Is Paul a “good deed doer”? — Mondays with Mounce 217
One of the more interesting expressions in the Pastorals is ἔργον ἀγαθόν, “good deed.” It occurs 6 times. Women are to be clothed in good ...
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February 11, 2014 | jeremy-bouma
John Wesley's Teachings on Ethics & Society are a Treasure Trove of Pastoral Advice
One of the people I credit with mentoring my journey toward retrieving the historic Christian faith is Thomas Oden; you could say I've ...
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