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December 11, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Daniel Block Says "When You Wrestle with the Text, Wrestle with the Text."
In our ongoing video series of advice to students from biblical scholars, Daniel Block, Old Testament professor at Wheaton College and autho...
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December 10, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy: John Franke and "The Bible as Witness to Missional Plurality"
For the past few weeks we have been engaging a new timely resource, Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy, that represents som...
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December 10, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy: Kevin Vanhoozer and "Literary Meaning, Literal Truth, and Literate Interpretation in the Economy of Biblical Discourse"
At the 65th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society three weeks ago we introduced a new timely resource releasing today,&#016...
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December 9, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Evangelical Theology Blog Tour Round-Up
  At the end of October we gave away a number of Michael Bird's new systematic theology book, Evangelical Theology. Reviews ...
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December 9, 2013 | bill-mounce
Did a Soldier Want to "Please the One Who Enlisted Him”? (2 Tim 2:4) — Mondays with Mounce 209
I was asked a question at SBL by a person whose son is in the military. He said that his son, and many of his military buddies, objected to...
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December 7, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — December 7, 2013
Larry Hurtado on the “Jesus’ Wife” Fragment A few weeks ago I asked here what further news there was about the so-called “Jesus’ wife” frag...
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December 6, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Does Your Career Define You? Excerpt from “Multi-Careering” by Bob Goff
Whether you are a pastor, professor, ministry leader, or graduate student, it is easy to make your career your identity. It's almost ine...
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December 5, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
A Preview of the Four Evangelical Views of the Historical Adam
In the past decade a new front in the science vs. faith debate has opened up within evangelicalism. While the historic struggle between evol...
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December 4, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
"Introduction to Messianic Judaism": An Approach to the Bible and Christianity That Relates to Judaism and Jewish Ethnicity
Perhaps you are like me and are largely unfamiliar with the deeply historic movement of Messianic Judaism. In his introductory essay t...
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December 4, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Gary Burge Says "Master the Languages" and "Interpret with Humility"
At Wheaton College Gary Burge, professor of the New Testament and author of Jesus and the Jewish Festivals, has opportunities to speak with ...
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December 3, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy: Michael Bird Says, "Inerrancy Is Not Necessary For Evangelicalism Outside the USA"
At the 65th Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society two weeks ago we introduced a new timely resource releasing next week (12...
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November 26, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy: Peter Enns Says, "Inerrancy Does Not Describe What the Bible Does"
Last week we introduced to you a new timely resource for discussions on biblical truth and interpretation, Five Views on Biblic...
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November 26, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy: Al Mohler Says "When The Bible Speaks, God Speaks"
Last week we introduced to you a new timely resource for discussions on biblical truth and interpretation, Five Views on Biblic...
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November 25, 2013 | bill-mounce
Where did those missing words go? (Matt 21:30) — Mondays with Mounce 208
Having a great time at ETS/SBL in Baltimore. Always fun to see friends and make new ones. Talking with a guy at Accordance, and he had a go...
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November 23, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 23, 2013
Bible Gateway's "5 Views on Biblical Inerrancy" Live Blog At ETS We live-blogged the session on 5 Views on Biblical Ine...
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November 21, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Why Is Blomberg's "Christians in an Age of Wealth" Distinctive and Important? One Word: Christian Giving
New Testament scholar Craig Blomberg has written a new timely, distinctive resource, Christians in an Age of Wealth. The subtitle, &qu...
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