Teaching Online for the First Time (or the Hundredth Time)? Try These Enhanced Digital Textbooks

When you’re used to teaching in-person classes, it’s not like you can just flip a switch to teach online. It’s a completely different format. And while you can record or livestream your lectures and provide access to the materials online, it’s difficult to replicate the interactive learning that comes from a lively in-class discussion.
You want to set your students up for success and ensure they come away from your course with a solid grasp of the subject matter. And you want your own insights to shape how your students approach each text and topic. Unfortunately, learning management systems often feel piecemealed and complicated—for you and your students—which makes it difficult to teach or take a course online.
That’s why we’ve created Enhanced Editions of many of our most trusted textbooks. These customizable digital versions provide the same expert scholarship and come loaded with additional features to improve the guided learning experience—at no extra cost to your students.
Here’s what you can do with an Enhanced Edition.
Insert your own content into the text
With a normal textbook, you assign chapters and pages, and any supplementary materials or directions have to be provided separately. Enhanced Editions let you highlight sections you want students to pay attention to or ignore, and you can also add text, video, or audio comments directly into the text. This gives you the ability to contextualize and explore statements made by the authors. When your students come across these sections in their reading, they’ll see that you’ve included a note.

You can even upload your class syllabus and create a reading schedule, so your students have everything they need right within the text.
Get video lectures from the authors
To help your students master the material in each textbook, Enhanced Editions include a suite of video lectures to supplement key ideas. These come directly from the scholars who wrote each text and are intended to introduce each chapter and equip your class with additional insights. Exploring the content in a variety of ways will bolster your students’ understanding of important course concepts.

Increase retention with Cerego
Courses on the Bible and theology often involve a lot of memorization. But you don’t just want your students to mindlessly copy terms, definitions, and concepts until they become ingrained. These are things they need to understand and be able to use and draw from.
For the Enhanced Editions of our texts, we’ve partnered with Cerego to help your students learn more, faster. Each chapter in the textbook includes an optional review section that encourages students to demonstrate their familiarity with key concepts and terms in a variety of ways.
Test your students with customizable quizzes
Each Enhanced Edition comes with premade quizzes you can use to test your students’ comprehension. You can edit these tests to add, remove, or change questions as you see fit—or you can create your own quizzes, right within the textbook.
You can let your students retake these quizzes as many times as they want (with the questions reshuffled each time) until they’re comfortable with their grasp of the material—or you can just export their first score to your grade book.

Track and measure class progress
Every Enhanced Edition includes a convenient professor dashboard which lets you track student progress and see where each class and student needs the most support and improvement. If you have multiple classes using the same text, you can easily filter between them.

Try Enhanced Editions free for six weeks
Enhanced Editions help your students get more from their texts—and from your teaching. By combining your content with the text itself, you’ll help your students understand the material better and create a smoother, more worthwhile experience for yourself.
Whether you’ve been teaching online for years or this is your first time, Enhanced Editions are simply the best textbooks your class can use.
Try Enhanced Editions free for six weeks. Tell us about your class, choose the texts you want to use, and see the difference for yourself.
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