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September 10, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 9/10/10
Does biblical interpretation grow more difficult with the passing of time? A blogger compares hermeneutics to art criticism in an intriguing...
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September 8, 2010 | ZA Blog
Walter C. Kaiser - Why Write on the Unity of the Bible?
Dr. Walt Kaiser spent some time in front of the camera for us during last year's fall conferences. These two clips from our interview no...
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September 3, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 9/3/10 - with videos and a personal note
Esteban over at "The Voice of Stefan" has an interesting blog series going: "Sundays With Silva." This week's post w...
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August 27, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 8/27/10
Thanks to the Boston Bible Geeks for alerting us to FREE downloadable resources from Craig Keener and I. Howard Marshall - truly great stuff...
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August 25, 2010 | ZA Blog
John Dickson Blog Tour: "The Best Kept Secret of Christian Mission"
The list of blogs below were all winners of The Best Secret of Christian Mission by John Dickson. These links take you to their reviews of ...
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August 23, 2010 | ZA Blog
A Sabbatical Report from Darrell Bock
Jesus Studies Report on a Major Evangelical Project I am in Germany on Sabbatical in Tübingen, Germany, where I have spent threeSabba...
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August 20, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 8/20/10
Ajith Fernando tells us "To Serve is to Suffer" in a new CT article. Two Canadian Muslims share an interesting view on...
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August 19, 2010 | ZA Blog
New Video from Christopher Wright: The Mission of God's People
In this video Christopher Wright discusses his new book, The Mission of God's People. Read a sample of The Mission of God's People  ...
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August 16, 2010 | ZA Blog
Ajith Fernando reviews "A God-Sized Vision" by Hansen, Woodbridge
A God-Sized Vision: Revival Stories that Strengthen and Stir by John Woodbridge and Collin Hansen The Church is ripe for a revival which wi...
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August 13, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities 8/13/10
Roger E. Olson has started blogging and in this post tells us "The Problem with Calvinism is..." Amazon released the new Kindle. ...
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August 9, 2010 | ZA Blog
Stairway to Heaven by Daniel B. Wallace
Meteora is one of the most stunningly beautiful and other-worldly places on earth. Over a millennium ago, monks traveled throughout Greece i...
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August 6, 2010 | ZA Blog
Extra-Curricular Activities, 8/8/10
John Dickson takes the "new atheists" to task in these videos. Anne Rice's announcement about "quitting" Christianit...
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August 3, 2010 | ZA Blog
Anne Rice and Our Modern Sin
by Michael Wittmer
Anne Rice has left the church again.  Raised in “an old fashioned, strict Roman Catholic” home, Anne left the church when she was 18 ...
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July 26, 2010 | ZA Blog
Craig Blomberg: "Not Many of You Should Become Teachers?"
“Not many of you should presume to be teachers, my brothers and sisters, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (J...
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July 22, 2010 | ZA Blog
Dan Wallace's Dispatches from Romania 2: "Oh, the Bible? I've Seen the Movie"
On their latest expedition, Dan Wallace and his team from the Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts discovered ten NT manuscript...
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July 20, 2010 | ZA Blog
De-Baptism: Evidence of an Atheistic Faith?
A group of atheists have devised a ritual of de-baptism in which they dress up like monks and use a hair dryer to take away "the...
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