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February 22, 2010 | bill-mounce
What is Necessary for Church Leadership? 1 Tim. 3:2 (Monday with Mounce, 62)
I was reminded the other day how meaning is conveyed not only by individual words but also by the larger context of those words. It is ea...
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February 22, 2010 | ZA Blog
Koukl and Estes books Win in Outreach Magazine
Outreach Magazine Announces 7th Annual Outreach Resources of the Year Outreach magazine is announcing the resources chosen for recognition ...
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February 19, 2010 | ZA Blog
Michael E. Wittmer: Extreme Measures
Thoughts on Embracing the Cross If desperate situations call for extreme measures, then extreme measures are a sign that we are in a despe...
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February 18, 2010 | ZA Blog
New Comprehensive Reference on Politics by Wayne Grudem
This fall, we're excited to be publishing Wayne Grudem's Politics—According to the Bible, a book he has been developing...
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February 15, 2010 | bill-mounce
To Metaphor, or not to Metaphor? (Monday with Mounce 61)
That is the question of Galatians 3:24. I was reminded of this question this morning as I listen to my nephew preach a good sermon on Galati...
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February 9, 2010 | ZA Blog
"Your Church is Too Small" - Join the blog tour!
"That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you." - John 17:21 In Your Church Is Too Small, John Arms...
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February 8, 2010 | bill-mounce
Eph. 2:10—Are We God’s Poem? (Monday with Mounce 60)
Paul tells the Ephesians that “we are his workmanship (ποιημα), created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that ...
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February 3, 2010 | ZA Blog
Andreas Kostenberger podcast on Johannine Theology - Free Download
Dr. Andreas Kostenberger was recently interviewed on the Knowing the Truth radio program by Pastor Kevin Boling. The focuses primarily the ...
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February 1, 2010 | bill-mounce
Grace and the Church (Monday with Mounce 59)
I was going to write a Greek-oriented blog post on ποιημα, but I saw an interview on TV a couple days ago and I can’t stop thinking about it...
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January 27, 2010 | ZA Blog
The Bible among the Myths, a reivew from Bible Study Magazine
Should the Bible take a place among world mythology? Like Israel’s neighboring countries, Israelites worshiped in a temple. But unlike the t...
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January 26, 2010 | ZA Blog
The Bible and the Land - A review from Bible Study Magazine
Ancient Egypt owed its fertility to the annual flooding of the Nile. Ancient Israel had no such natural water source. What was it like to li...
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January 25, 2010 | bill-mounce
Preaching and Toastmasters (Monday with Mounce 58)
When we moved to Washougal a few months ago, my wife and I had to start the somewhat painful experience of making new friends. We were commi...
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January 23, 2010 | ZA Blog
Sample Walt Kaiser's "Recovering the Unity of the Bible" on Scribd
Recovering the Unity of the Bible by Walter Kaiser, Jr., Excerpt ...
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January 22, 2010 | ZA Blog
"The Decay of Modernity" by Glenn S. Sunshine
Glenn S. Sunshine (PhD University of Wisconsin, Madison) is professor of history at the Central Connecticut State University and a faculty ...
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January 21, 2010 | ZA Blog
What is a Worldview? Video by Glenn S. Sunshine
Glenn S. Sunshine is author of Why You Think the Way You Do: The Story of Western Worldviews from Rome to Home. Sample chapter below:...
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January 18, 2010 | bill-mounce
Sabbath(s) and Sunday (Monday with Mounce 57)
Acts 20:7 reads, “On the first day of the week (μια των σαββατων), when we were gathered together to break bread ….” (ESV).   There i...
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