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October 23, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Bird Says "No Matter How Much You Love Your Theology, It'll Never Love Your Back"
We've had a fantastic collection of advice over the past 2 months since we've launched our new series of videos featuring advice fro...
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October 23, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Wednesday Giveaway — Lynn H. Cohick's New "Philippians" Commentary (SGBC Series)
UPDATED 10/25/13: Congratulations to Kathy, Ron Boyer, Timothy G Harris, Wayne Moore, and Rhonaldo Ghenova for winning this weeks giveaway. ...
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October 22, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
What Is The Proper Relationship Between Historical Context and Theology in Exegesis?
"There is a revolution going on in evangelical biblical studies," writes Lynn H. Cohick in her new commentary on Philippians (The...
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October 21, 2013 | bill-mounce
“Real” Jews Revisited in Romans 2:28 (Mondays with Mounce 203)
I saw some fascinating translation techniques used with Romans 2:28 and wanted to share them with you. In the process, I realized I had blo...
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October 19, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 19, 2013
Lynn H. Cohick on The Double-Edged Sword of Being a Female Bible Scholar Cohick has previously published several books and articles, includ...
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October 17, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
What Does Paul's "Christ Hymn" Mean? Not What You May Think — An Excerpt from Cohick's "Philippians" Commentary
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; rather, he made himself nothi...
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October 17, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Giveaway — Theologian Trading Cards, and Bonus Theology Baseball Game
UPDATE 10/18/13: Aaron Sperry is our winner this time around. He said he'd join the St. James Padres because "I enjoy the study an...
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October 15, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
What If Paul Hadn’t Written Philippians? We’d Miss 4 Things
"Philippians offers a treasure trove of 'good news' to the church today even as it spoke welcome words of comfort, encou...
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October 14, 2013 | ZA Blog
Evangelical Theology Blog Tour
We invite you to review Michael F. Bird's forthcoming book Evangelical Theology: A Biblical and Systematic Introduction. UPDATE: Than...
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October 14, 2013 | bill-mounce
Who does the commending in Romans 13:3? Politicians Or Other people? (Mondays with Mounce 202)
I heard my nephew preach this morning on Romans 13. It was fun watching him work to make the main point and not let politics deter people’s...
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October 12, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 12, 2013
Scot McKnight Unpacks NT Wrights View of Rome as Empire and Emperor Worship In this chp we get to the heart of the new contribution that PF...
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October 11, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Introducing "A Brief History of Old Testament Criticism" By Mark Gignilliat
Three distinctives mark Old Testament interpretation from the modern period (circa 1660 – 1970): a new interest in the Bible’s specific his...
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October 11, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Matthew 6:25-34: Radical Words for Trusting God for Life's Ordinaries — An Excerpt from McKnight's "Sermon on the Mount" Commentary
"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will not...
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October 9, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Michael Bird, Why Would A Biblical Scholar Like You Write A Systematic Theology?
That's a good question! One Mike Bird has asked himself, he says in a new video introducing his new book Evangelical Theology. So what ...
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October 8, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Augustine and McKnight Agree: Jesus's Sermon is The "Perfect Standard of the Christian Life"
I'm currently preparing an early-2014 sermon series that will focus on the teachings of Jesus. As I've begun preparing I find myse...
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October 5, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — October 5, 2013
How Did Calvin and Wesley Differ on Scripture? Scot McKnight Explains John Calvin and John Wesley differed on Scripture, not on its inspira...
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