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November 21, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Does the Link Between Inerrancy and Evangelical Identity Obscure and Frustrate Both?— An Excerpt from "Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy"
Yesterday we introduced to you a new, timely resource for discussions on biblical truth and interpretation, Five Views on Biblical Ine...
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November 20, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Joel Willitts says "Success Isn't About the Accomplishment, But the Journey"
Joel Willitts, assistant professor of biblical and theological studies at North Park University, has three things to say to students who are...
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November 20, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Wednesday Giveaway — "4 Views on Historical Adam," with Contributions by Lamoureux, Walton, Collins, Barrick, Boyd, and Ryken
UPDATED 11/22/13: Our winner this week is Carol Saia, who hopes "they discuss the implications of their view on other verses of Scriptu...
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November 20, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Reexamining a Pillar of Evangelicalism: Introducing "Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy"
It is fitting that today I write this introductory column to a series on the new Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy book, because the 6...
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November 18, 2013 | bill-mounce
How can the Imperfect be Instantaneous? — Mondays with Mounce 207
Are you familiar with the grammatical category called the “instantaneous imperfect”? To any first year Greek student, this sounds like a co...
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November 16, 2013 | ZA Blog
A New Bible Commentary for the Global Church (Video with Michael Bird)
The Story of God Bible Commentary series may be the most diverse commentary series in evangelical history. Listen to these comments from Mic...
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November 16, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 16, 2013
The Center for the Study of New Testament Manuscripts Debuts Chester Beatty Papyri The most exciting new additions to the CSNTM websi...
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November 14, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
What is the Theological Sausage Maker 3000? Michael Bird Explains
Does the name Ron Popeil mean anything to you? How about the Veg-o-Matic or the Chop-o-Matic? The Pocket Fisherman anyone? Popeil&#01...
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November 14, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
What's God's Biggest Competition for the Human Heart Today? Craig Blomberg Explains — Excerpt from "Christians in an Age of Wealth"
Materialism is something of an achilles heal for me, has been for years. Ever since I got my first credit card at the ripe age of 18 I'v...
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November 13, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Al Mohler and Peter Enns on Biblical Inerrancy
This morning we introduced and launched a giveaway contest for a new cogent resource that engages one of the most contemporary conversations...
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November 13, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Wednesday Giveaway — "5 Views on Biblical Inerrancy," Contributions by Mohler, Enns, Bird, Vanhoozer, and Franke
Updated 11/15/13: Congratulations to Michael Metts, who says "I have been indebted to Carl F. H. Henry for my understanding of inerranc...
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November 12, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Everett Ferguson Reminds Us That Church History Is About 3 Crucial Things
For some time now I have benefited from the teaching and academic ministry of Everett Ferguson, the prolific early Church scholar who has s...
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November 12, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
My Advice to Students — Bill Mounce Says, "Don't Let Yourself Be Swallowed Up By the Academy"
For those of us who have been to seminary or are in seminary we know the funny pejorative term often given to that higher academic world: s...
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November 11, 2013 | bill-mounce
Does “open its/his mouth” mean anything? (Matthew 5:2) — Mondays with Mounce 206
Matthew 5:2 says that Jesus “opened his mouth and taught them, saying” (καὶ ἀνοίξας τὸ στόμα αὐτοῦ ἐδίδασκεν αὐτοὺς λέγων). If you were in ...
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November 9, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities — November 8, 2013
Don Carson on 6 Reasons Why Not To Abandon Expository Preaching Some use the category "expository preaching" for all preaching th...
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November 8, 2013 | jeremy-bouma
Michael Bird Gives 4 Reasons Why Professors Should Use "Evangelical Theology"
If you're a professor and have been following Koinonia Blog the past few weeks you know that we've recently released Michael Bird&#...
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