The Contours of the Land in Israel's History
The Land of Palestine
The land of Palestine took its name from the Philistines (the Pelishtim in Hebrew) who settled along the Mediterranean coast from Joppa to Gaza about 1300–12...
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Are the Gospels Truly Anonymous? - Mondays with Mounce
It has long been said that the Gospels are anonymous. At one level, that’s true. The names of the authors are not embedded in the text of th...
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The Faith of the University Skeptic - Mondays with Mounce
One of the things you will likely hear on the university campus is that the Bible’s depiction of Jesus is historically inaccurate. For examp...
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Can you remember what happened 30 years ago? - Mondays with Mounce
What would you do if your child came over to your house, said he no longer believed the Bible, and renounced his faith? On top of that, he s...
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The Bible and the Telephone Game - Mondays with Mounce
One common challenge made by skeptics of the Bible is that memory is faulty. It “leaks” and cannot be trusted over a long period of time. Th...
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The Missing 17 Verses in the Bible - Mondays with Mounce
A while back I did a vlog on the supposed “17 Missing Verses” in modern translations, and the questions keep coming. So I thought I would cr...
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