How Enhanced Editions Stack Up Against Print Textbooks

Usually, better educational resources cost more money. But that’s not the case with our new Enhanced Editions textbooks. They provide the same trusted text you’ll find in our print editions with additional content from the authors, world-class learning tools, customization options, and more--for the same price as our print texts.
These aren’t just digital textbooks. They’re enhanced. Here’s what sets them apart from print editions.
Prioritize learning and increase retention with Cerego
Cerego is an adaptive learning program designed to improve retention and increase performance, and we’ve integrated it with our textbooks. Using artificial intelligence, Cerego dynamically reacts to your students’ responses to review questions, creating personalized study sessions.
When a student gets a review question wrong and demonstrates that they don’t understand an important concept, Cerego rephrases the question, shuffles the order, and encourages them to keep studying until they master the material.
Lecturers say Cerego “is like having a teaching assistant that goes home with my students.” For online courses especially, it’s an indispensable tool.
Rather than training students to take tests, some schools have used Cerego to focus their courses on knowledge building. When your class uses Enhanced Editions, Cerego reviews are baked into the book itself. You can either require students to do the Cerego review for class participation points or you can let students use these tools to improve their own retention and prepare themselves for future conversations. Each chapter also includes a customizable quiz after the Cerego review, so your students can also use Cerego to prepare for a graded quiz, if you wish to use the quizzes in that way.
Make your insights more accessible
Whether you’ve been teaching the same courses with the same texts for years or you’ve just started teaching, your personal copies of your favorite texts are likely packed with your own insights. This helps you teach and modify the material the way you want, but your students don’t have the benefit of those notes when they open their texts for independent study.
Enhanced Editions let you add highlights and notes directly to your class textbooks, so you can frame the way your students approach sections of the text, tell them exactly what you want them to read or skip, and share additional insights they won’t get from anyone else. Your notes can come in the form of text, audio, or video, and you can also link to outside resources, so you can supplement the textbook with whatever helps your students participate.
Whether your class meets online or in-person, discussions provide a valuable opportunity for students to work out their understanding of the material and apply their own experiences and insights into the course. With Enhanced Edition textbooks, you can facilitate these discussions right inside the text, so study sessions can include active participation.
Let the authors introduce each chapter
Enhanced Edition textbooks come loaded with video lectures by the textbook author to introduce every chapter. When your students open a print textbook, they’re on their own to navigate the material and learn crucial concepts. But with Enhanced Editions, the authors themselves prime your students for each study session. These introductory videos don’t replace the process of reading and wrestling with the text. Rather, they supplement each chapter with additional insights into the chapter.
Try Enhanced Editions free for six weeks
Enhanced Editions offer the best pathway for your students to master your course material. Most digital textbooks simply convert the text to digital format and add some search capabilities. But Enhanced Editions add functionality and learning opportunities that you simply can’t replicate in a print textbook. And the cost to your students is the same.
Want to see how they work? Start a free trial now.
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