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February 22, 2015 | ZA Blog
The Benefits of Reading Scripture [Awakening Faith]
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the servant of God may...
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February 21, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities 2.21.15 — Another Flood Account, Martyrdom, and Sermon Illustrations
Tim Challies Review: Becoming Worldly Saints Recovers Balance in the Christian Life The pushback against the radical Christian life is in fu...
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February 20, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
What are Non-Christian Religions and Why Do They Exist? — An Excerpt from "Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock"
These two questions sit at the heart of the discipline of the theology of religions. They also sit at the heart of Daniel Strange’s new boo...
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February 19, 2015 | ZA Blog
Emotionally Healthy Leadership Conference with Pete Scazzero
"Many of us in leadership are running on empty," writes Pete Scazzero, author of the Emotionally Healthy (EH) series of books (including EH ...
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February 19, 2015 | fredsanderszabloggmail-com
[Common Places] New Voices for Theology: Wesley Hill’s "Paul and the Trinity"
Taking the long view of things, the Christian doctrine of God has had a strange career. It took its classic, trinitarian form as the early ...
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February 18, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
The Land of Israel [Infographic] - The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible
If you've been a teacher or pastor for long, you know that when it comes to quickly grasping and retaining information, the human brain func...
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February 17, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
How to Fight the Fallout from the Fall, and Win
The current issue of Time (Feb. 23/Mar. 2 , 2015) says my nine-month-old, Simon James, could live to be 142 years old thanks to advances in ...
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February 16, 2015 | bill-mounce
Did the Israelites Walk or Swim? (Heb 11:29) — Mondays with Mounce 251
Allowing for the fact that we all hear words a little differently, I was surprised to read that in many translations the Israelites really d...
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February 15, 2015 | ZA Blog
God SUSTAINS Faith [Awakening Faith]
“Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is per...
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February 14, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activity 2.14.15 — Why Becoming a Worldly Saint is a Good Thing
Trevin Wax Interviews Michael Wittmer on New Book Becoming Worldly Saints Trevin Wax: Your title is provocative. Becoming Worldly Saints is ...
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February 13, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
How Can We Affirm Christ's Exclusivity in Our Pluralistic World? — An Excerpt from "Their Rock Is Not Like Our Rock"
Twenty-first century America is wholly unlike twentieth century America, particularly in its ethnic, cultural, and religious makeup. Differ...
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February 12, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible: Joseph
If you've been a teacher or pastor for long, you know that people learn in different ways. In fact, much human understanding occurs visually...
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February 11, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
Did You Know the Sabbath Was Given as a Gift, to Enjoy? — An Excerpt from "Becoming Worldly Saints" by Michael Wittmer
Do you realize the Sabbath is a gift? On most Sundays it probably doesn’t feel that way: getting ready and off to church is usually far mor...
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February 10, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
A Doubter’s Guide to the End of Cancer & Other Existential Pains
One year ago today I had surgery to remove a malignant tumor that had stolen itself into my thyroid. Thankfully, I had the good kind of canc...
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February 8, 2015 | ZA Blog
The Internal Witness [Awakening Faith]
But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eterna...
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February 7, 2015 | jeremy-bouma
Extracurricular Activities 2.7.15 — The Trinity, NT Papyrus, and the Crusades
Michael Bird Asks, "Is the Trinity Biblical?" In the most recent issues of JETS is a review by Jeffrey A. Stivason of my Evangelical Theolog...
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