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Love Without Walls

Learning to Be a Church In the World For the World
Laurie Beshore
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We see it all around us: Poverty. Unemployment. Crime. Hopelessness. Anger. Disenchantment. Injustice. We want to help. We want to do something. But what? Good intentions are good, but often our efforts at helping others can actually make things worse. And in many communities the church is viewed with suspicion, if not downright hostility. So how can churches effectively serve the needs of their communities in ways that communicate the love and grace of God? According to author Laurie Beshore, churches need to step up and take action, but it all begins by learning. You must get to know the people in your community and establish relationships built on mutual trust and respect. This is the compelling twenty-five year story of how Mariner’s Church, a growing mega-church in Irvine, CA, began reaching out to their community and how they made more than their fair share of mistakes along the way. But these hard-earned lessons are now of immense value to a new generation of church leaders trying to serve their own communities that are skeptical, if not understandably suspicious, of the intentions of the 21st century church. Laced with ultra-practical teachings and transferable principles for churches and ministries of all sizes and styles, this is a book filled with potent lessons and powerful stories both heartbreaking and inspiring.

About the Author

Laurie Beshore leads the local and global outreach ministries at Mariners Church, an influential mega-church in Southern California. She is a global thinker and frequently speaks on the topic of mission-driven, externally focused church ministry.

  • Product Details
  • Page Count: 160
  • Format: Softcover
  • ISBN: 9780310893103
  • Release: June 10, 2012
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