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August 21, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
What Are the Top 10 Problems People Have with God?
We are living in one of the most skeptical eras ever. Whether because of #FakeNews or post-modern relativism, our post-truth world posses a ...
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August 16, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
Christ Alone & Catholic Sacramental Theology: A Reformation Response
In order to understand the nature of the Reformers' disagreement with Rome, you have to understand the nature of two intertwining ideas that...
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August 14, 2017 | bill-mounce
Are Metaphors Inspired? - Mondays with Mounce 292
I have been thinking a lot about some of the general issues of translation, and one of the points that keeps coming up is the issue of metap...
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August 7, 2017 | bill-mounce
Nobody Talks Like That! (Ps 102:12) - Mondays with Mounce 291
You know you have been talking too much about translation when your spouse throws your own words back in your face. Robin was reading Ps 102...
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August 4, 2017 | ZA Blog
Unexpected Ally: Thomas Aquinas – An Excerpt from Grace Alone
In today's excerpt from Grace Alone--Salvation as a Gift of God, Carl Trueman, professor of Historical Theology and Church History at Westmi...
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August 2, 2017 | leefields
Something to Brag About: Jeremiah 9:22–23 (Part 3: Articles, Particles, and Verbals, Oh My!) - Hebrew and You with Lee M. Fields
This month’s post concludes a post begun June 2017; please see that post for an explanation of versification. As mentioned there, this post...
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August 1, 2017 | thomasschreinerzablog
What Are the Fruits of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh?
Jesus wanted his disciples to understand that there were some who would seek to distort the gospel. He called them “false prophets,” and h...
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July 31, 2017 | bill-mounce
The Case of the Missing Object (Matt 5:25) - Mondays with Mounce 290
I have been enjoying reading the CSB, the new version of the former HCSB. Tom Schreiner and his group of translators have done an excellent ...
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July 31, 2017 | thomasschreinerzablog
What Can We Learn About Walking in the Spirit from Galatians 5?
Due to the influence of law-heavy teaching, the Galatians struggled to understand how to mature as Christians. Did they become righteous by...
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July 29, 2017 | thomasschreinerzablog
What Is the False Gospel in Galatians?
It doesn’t take too long for Paul to get to the heart of the issue in his letter to the Galatians. He’s concerned that they’re abandoning ...
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July 28, 2017 | thomasschreinerzablog
Who Were the Galatians?
If someone was to ask you who Paul wrote his epistle to the Galatians to, how would you respond? If you’re like most people, you’d probabl...
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July 27, 2017 | thomasschreinerzablog
The Role of the Old Testament Law in Galatians
Communicating the role that the law played in God’s overall plan of salvation was one of the New Testament church’s biggest challenges. As ...
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July 27, 2017 | ZA Blog
Zondervan Academic Titles Now Available for Libraries through EBSCO
Grand Rapids, Mich., July 27, 2017 — Zondervan Academic is pleased to announce that many of its titles are now available for libraries throu...
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July 25, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
Grace Is Profoundly Existential, Beginning With the Church
“Grace is a profoundly existential matter” (157). That’s the verdict in Carl Trueman’s new book Grace Alone, a tour de force through the bib...
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July 20, 2017 | michael-allen-and-scott-swain
[Common Places]: 9.5 Theses Concerning Our End
Common Places has been a regular column on the Zondervan Academic blog with a focus on systematic theology. The loci communes or “common pla...
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July 18, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
How You Can Translate Mark 1–4 On Your Own
A few weeks ago we introduced you to an approach to reading biblical Greek that Mark Strauss calls “interesting and innovative.” Reading Bib...
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