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September 14, 2017 | ZA Blog
How Luther discovered the doctrine of justification by faith alone
One of the decisive doctrines to emerge from the Protestant Reformation—and central to Luther’s theology—was the doctrine of justification b...
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September 14, 2017 | ZA Blog
How the Protestant Reformation Started
You probably know at least one thing about Martin Luther: that he nailed the 95 theses to a church door and defied the Roman Catholic Church...
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September 12, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
4 Reasons Why Faith vs. Science Is a Myth
“Tonight we will be talking about faith versus science. Our first guest is a former University of Oxford professor, evolutionary biologist, ...
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September 11, 2017 | bill-mounce
Where, Oh Where Did the Antecedent Go? (Phil 1:19) - Mondays with Mounce 295
Usually it is no big deal to find an antecedent. Start looking for a word with the same number and gender as the pronoun. Every once in a wh...
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September 7, 2017 | ZA Blog
Who wrote Jude?
The book of Jude itself tells us that it was written by “Jude, slave of Jesus the Anointed One, and brother of James.” There is a consensus...
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September 6, 2017 | ZA Blog
Who wrote the book of James?
According to James 1:1, the letter is written by James himself. He was the son of Joseph, a construction worker who originally lived in Naza...
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September 5, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
Gender and Sexual Identity: We Need a Fresh Perspective for Our People
For many years the intersection of gay identity and Christian identity in the United States was a virtual no-man’s land. Nate Collins is one...
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September 5, 2017 | ZA Blog
What James means by “Faith without works is dead”
This post is adapted from material found in A Theology of Peter, James, and Jude, an online course taught by Peter H. Davids. Sign up for th...
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September 5, 2017 | bill-mounce
English Style and Loss of Meaning (1 Peter 5:6–7) - Mondays with Mounce 294
Alistair Begg preached a sermon the other day on Truth for Life about 1 Peter 5:6–7. “Humble yourselves (ταπεινώθητε), therefore, under God’...
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September 1, 2017 | ZA Blog
What it means to read the General Epistles theologically
We recently sat down with Peter H. Davids to discuss what it a biblical theology of the General Epistles looks like. See his answer below. H...
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August 30, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
2 Crucial Lessons the Western Church Can Learn from African Christianity
Meet Francinah Baloyi. Francinah was born into a family of traditional spiritual healers of African traditional religion who were strongly o...
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August 29, 2017 | jeremy-bouma
Is the Bible “Patriarchal”? Yes and No - An Excerpt from Gender Roles and the People of God
Patriarchy—literally, “the rule of the father,” from the Greek patriarkhēs—is any systemic structure in which men or the eldest male hold th...
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August 28, 2017 | bill-mounce
What’s the Point? (James 1:18) - Mondays with Mounce 293
One of the things I am sensitive to is the difference between an indicative and a non-indicative form. English style often blurs the distinc...
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August 25, 2017 | ZA Blog
Hypocrisy is Keeping People from the Church - An Excerpt from The Problem of God
God doesn’t exist. Christianity has a violent history. The Bible can’t be trusted. We hear phrases like this more and more from those who ar...
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August 25, 2017 | ZA Blog
eBook Flash Sale: How to Lead When You're Not in Charge
For a brief time you can save 36% on the eBook edition of Clay Scroggins' new book How to Lead When You’re Not in Charge: Leveraging Influen...
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August 23, 2017 | ZA Blog
Know what your small group will read this fall? Here are some reliable choices. (eBook Sale)
Want to go deep with your small group this fall? We've discounted a handful of eBooks for you, with prices starting at $2.99--so you save up...
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