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Showing 25-36 of 36 Results
What Christians Ought to Believe
Michael F. Bird
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
What Christians Ought to Believe is more than a clear, concise exposition of the essential tenets of faith informed by the very best of biblical and theological scholarship. With deep-rooted evangelic...
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A Theology of Biblical Counseling
Heath Lambert
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
A Theology of Biblical Counseling is a landmark new book that covers the history of the biblical counseling movement. Dr. Heath Lambert shows how biblical counseling is rooted in the Scriptures while ...
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Know the Creeds and Councils
Justin S. Holcomb
In this accessible guide, Justin Holcomb---a priest, professor, and author---introduces readers to the church’s most important statements of faith over the centuries and shows why those statements sti...
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Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy
R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
Five Views on Biblical Inerrancy features the spectrum of evangelical positions on inerrancy. Facilitating understanding of these perspectives, particularly where and why they diverge, the contributor...
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Church History, Volume One: From Ch...
Everett Ferguson
Hardcover, Printed Caseside
A church history text that integrates the events and development of the church with the social, economic, and intellectual history of the world around it.
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Church History, Volume Two: From Pr...
John D. Woodbridge
Hardcover, Printed
Church History, Volume Two: From Pre-Reformation to the Present Day displays the growth of the church from the Reformation times to the present within the contexts of the world around it. It represent...
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Pilgrim Theology
Michael Horton
Hardcover, Printed
This concise tour of Christian doctrine is an ideal resource for examining the Christian faith and the Reformed tradition. Based in part on Michael Horton’s award-winning The Christian Faith, Pilgrim ...
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Four Views on the Apostle Paul
Michael F. Bird
Recent years have seen much controversy around the apostle Paul, his religious and social context, and its effects on his theology. In Four Views on the Apostle Paul, leading scholars present their vi...
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Dictionary of Christian Spiritualit...
Glen G. Scorgie
Hardcover, Printed
“Engaging, comprehensive, informative, broad in perspective. Who thinks it is fun to read a dictionary? This one is! This is a dictionary to be read for enjoyment as well as information. The essays an...
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Historical Theology
Gregg Allison
Hardcover, Printed
This book presents the history of various doctrines in identical order to their appearance in Wayne Grudem’s Systematic Theology. Rather than following the history of Christianity and learning about v...
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The Christian Faith
Michael Horton
Hardcover, Printed
“The Christian Faith is impressively deep, immensely practical, and infinitely hopeful for us pilgrims on the Way. Michael Horton will sculpt your appreciation for theology and enhance your love for C...
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Theology in the Context of World Ch...
Timothy C. Tennent
Hardcover, Printed
As Christianity advances in the South and East, its universal truths face new questions and are expressed in new ways. Majority world theological reflection needs to be brought into conversation with ...
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