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AAR & SBL Deals (Valid November 20-23 Only)

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This highly anticipated volume gives pastors, scholars, and all serious students of the New Testament exactly what they need for in-depth study and engagement with one of Christian history's most formative thinkers and writers. A Theology of Paul and His Letters is a landmark study of the apostle's writings by one of the world's leading Pauline scholars Douglas J. Moo.

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Offer valid during AAR & SBL only. Use code Z21ASC at checkout.
N. T. Wright's most important articles on Scripture and hermeneutics, Jesus and the Gospels, and Paul and his Letters from the last three decades. Each essay will amply reward those looking for detailed, incisive, and exquisitely nuanced exegesis, resulting in a clearer, deeper and more informed appreciation of Scripture and its application to Christian life and thought today.
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